Part 8

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I handed the katanas and mask to Zuko. " I hope we can be good brothers" I said. Zuko hugged the gifts " Percy" there was a pause where all that could be heard was the sound of the wind " I'm really glad that you came here". With that Zuko left Percy alone on the paved court yard " glad huh" he said to himself.

Percy POV

After that day me Azula and Zuko have been getting closer, they still have a lot of baggage thanks to there dush bag dad. Anyway Zuko turned 13 a couple weeks before I got here, now since it's been 3 months Azula is turning 11. Ozai is holding a grand banquet for her birthday but I know it's only a pretense to gather all the war lords while the party is going on.

" Perseus, are you listening to me" Azula said angrily. " Sorry zuzu" a eye roll was all I got as a reply, my siblings and I were currently outside by the pond and Azula was telling us what we had to get her for her birthday. She wasn't happy about the nickname but eventually she gave up trying to make me stop, in other words victory.

I had already picked out the perfect gift for Azula but I wasn't gonna tell her that. It is a super rare animal known as a Salamander Dog. They are cute, cuddly also they breath fire and poison. I know she'll love it, the problem is the merchant I hired to get it from me can't come to the palace. I don't want anyone to tell her about it yet, and Azula has a way of making people tell her things they don't want to say. That means I'll have to leave the palace but Ozai doesn't let me do that. It's quite the predicament, but like always I have a genius idea. ' I bet Annabeth would call me a seaweed brain for this one'. 

My thoughts began drifting off until I felt a sharp pain in my head. Azula had thrown a apple at me, " what was that for" I asked " we tried calling your name" Zuko said " but you didn't respond". " Really" I replied " sorry about that, anyway Zuko you don't have anything planned for today right". " No" he said "why do you ask" , " no reason just meet me at my room in a hour, I have a plan for something fun". " I wanna come" Azula stated "you can't you have a special class today remember" I told her.

So we all took classes on various topics 4 days a week then one of the days one of us will have a special class. It switches who has the special class every week, truthfully I chose today because I knew she couldn't come. " Okay I'll see you in a hour Zuko" then I left to start putting my plan on action.

While I was on the way to my room I had noticed the servants becoming more aware of me. I think it's because Ozai teaches all my special classes and he hasn't done that for his two real children ever. It's not that Ozai likes me or anything, he just wants to use my powers the most he can while not letting anyone else find out about them. To be honest it's rather annoying but I put up with it because of my adorable siblings.

Anyway back to the plan, I used Aphrodite blessing to summon me and Zuko some commoner clothes which still looked rather lavish. The country's capital was fairly wealthy from war, it was the countryside that was mostly suffering. Next I prepared the money I had gotten from starting a few business. It wasn't hard to do, all I did was give someone the idea of a modern invention and they would take care of the rest.

I put in the commoner clothing, unfortunately it was a mix of red and brown. Blue would look so much better. Anyway I heard a knock on my door then Zuko voice followed. " Percy, can I come in, I know I'm a bit early". " Your right on time" I replied the yanked Zuko in before people could see him.

" What are you wearing" he asked, I couldn't tell if he was confused or weirded out but in the end it didn't matter. " I'll explain later just put these on", I told my brother while shoving some clothes into his arms. I turned my back so he could change. Normal we would have servants to help us but I'm trying to keep our excursion from being known. " Um Percy can you help me". When I turned around Zuko was tangled in clothes. " Zuko you idiot" I told him while trying not to fall over laughing. My adorable brother looked so embarrassed. In the end I had to help him straight out his clothes.

" Okay now can you tell me what's going on" Zuko asked me. " Okay Okay, we're gonna go get Azulas birthday present. I found the perfect one for her but we have to leave the place to get it. That's why I had you dress I commoner clothes so we blend in outside" I told him. "That makes sense but one question, how the hell are we supposed to leave the palace" Zuko inquired about.

"I'm so glad you asked" my smile probably looked evil which is why my dear brother took a step back. " Percy your not gonna do anything strange are you". " Wouldn't dream of it" I told him.

We went out to my balcony and I stepped on the edge remember a famous seen I couldn't help myself. " Do you trust me" I asked Zuko and held out my hand. As if he had seen the movie before Zuko replied "yes?" With the same  skepticism that could put Jasmine to shame. Before taking his had I feel backward on the edge and Zuko freaked out looking around for me. " Percy, PERCY" he yelled.

Then I used Zeus blessing and flew up to the balcony " Miss me" I asked with a charming smirk on my face. " Come on Zuko let's go to the city". As if he was surrendering Zuko took my hand and sighed and smiled " yeah Percy let's go".

I kinda feel bad that it takes me so long to update stories. But I hope this is at least worth reading. I kinda just wrote stories because I have ideas for them and I want to read them. In other words it a hobby. If you guys do want more frequent updates just let me know in the comments. Anyway thank you for reading it always makes me happy when my reads, and likes go up.🥰😊💜💜💜

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