Part 4

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BTW I don't plan to make this a romance.


We finally got to the ship, there was a alarming amount of soldiers on it. I took one step on directly behind Ozai and thought ' my new life starts now'.

Percy POV

As soon as we got on the ship a solider dressed in red armor that covered his face came to take Blackjack to the stables. What looked like the commander stepped forward and kneeled to Ozai he said " all hail fire lord Ozai". The other soldiers kneeled and repeated after him. "Commander Zhao rise" Ozai commanded, he did respectfully stood to his feet. "Then he immediately turned to me " lord beg my pardon but who is this child". Then Ozai looks at me " oh yes this is Perseus, he is the reason we came to the fire temple, I will be adopting him". Commander Zhao looked taken back by this but you could only see it for a moment. Ozai continued to say " have a servant get him changed, you can debrief me in the war room". " Yes my lord" Zhao said, with a wave of his hand a girl that looked about 16 or 17 came forward. It looked like she wanted me to follow her, I decided that if I made one of my famous sarcastic comments it wouldn't go well. The people in this world did not seem to understand humor that well, so I stayed quiet for now.

We reached what I assumed would be my room on the ship. Finally I could breathe " what's your name" I ask the girl. She looked at me like I grew a second head. " It's Rem" she whispered, the hurriedly of the room muttering something about a bath and new clothes.

I collapse on the bed, letting out a exasperated sigh. I was alone, Leo would laugh at me now we could both be hot heads. I try to create the fire again if emerges from my palm brilliantly. It puts all other flames to shame, I don't know how long I layed on that bed just watching the bluish purple flame dance around in my hand then I fell asleep.

" Young lord", "young lord", "please wake up" , I kept hear a voice tell me this again and again but I wasn't shook or jumped on like I would have been at camp. In fact there was one time when Thalia electrocuted me to wake up. I finally decided to open my eyes and looked straight at Rem accidentally using my wolf glare, she flinched. I turned my head away " sorry" I told her, " you shouldn't apologize to me, lord Perseus" she timidly replied. Rem continued to say " the fire lord request you were bathed I filled the tub with hot water". I craw off the bed thinking a submersion in water is exactly what I need. Then Rem tried to take my shirt off. I was so flustered I stumbled backwards and fell. Rem looked like she was on the verge of tears " I'm so sorry my lord, you should punish me for my crimes" after she says this the bows to me. I always hated formalities something tells me that I need to get used to them." It's fine just leave" I tried to sound dignified I did great, I think to myself. Rem starts crying and slowly leaves the room, I hope I did the right thing.

I see a filled bath on the other side of the room and a change of clothes on the cabinet. It's red uggg, blue would be better. Actually now that I look around everything is red, the walls, clothes, sheets, why red, blue is so much better.
Against better judgment after I bath myself I put on the red dress, Clarisse would punch me or try to anyway if she saw me wearing this.

The next four days we're fine I tested out some of the blessings the gods gave me. When I tried my stronger earth shaker powers. I accidentally created a earthquake under the ocean the crew freaked out. Its not like we could sink with me on board, over react much. I haven't seen Ozia since he brought me on the the ship, he's probably busy being a fire lord, what ever that is. Rem came to see me to give me my meals and draw a bath for me. Other then that I didn't really see or talk to anyone. One time a solider bumped into me and he looked mortified like I would torture him to death there and then. I'm not sure how long I can keep up this stoic princely act.

It was finally the last day on this boat, don't get me wrong. I love water but I want to swim in it not only be able to look at it. Think if you put a cake in front child then told them they couldn't eat it, only a monster would do that. Not to mention Ive had enough of this red dress, then I remembered Aphrodite blessings. I summon myself some nice black pants that had the fit of jeans. Then a simple black T-shirt. People in this world seemed to like long flowing clothes so I summoned a black and sea green trench coat. I used Hephaestus blessing to summon a weapon sheath for riptide. It would be weird if I kept pulling a sword out of no where. I put the sheath on my back and uncapped riptide.

Now I was ready Rem came in still shy and scared as ever. When she looked at me her eyes widened " where did you get those clothes young lord" she stuttered out. I scratched my back " they just found me, any way are we at the dock yet". I knew the answer was yes since I could feel the boat in the water. " Yes lord Perseus, the fire lord is waiting for you" Rem looked at me sideways after saying this. " Alright let's go" I said a little to enthusiastically " cough.. I mean can you show me the way", " it would be my pleasure she replied".

When we arrived Rem bowed to Ozai and lined up behind the soldiers. " Perseus it looks like you've been well, where did you get those clothes" Ozai stared at me impatiently waiting for a answer. " You know how I was blessed by 'spirits' well one of the abilities is to summon clothes" this time I was the one looking away, also it's Percy. " Perseus, the only reason I am adopting you is because your powerful, it has nothing to do with the fact you were that woman's child" now Ozai's expression was cold. " This attire is fine for now but you will be wearing traditional fire nation going forward". Why was I even putting up with this guy, oh right I want to meet my siblings plus if I did something to this country's leader my new life would suck. " Of course Ozai" I said using the same voice I used have to strain to use for the drama queen. Uggg well we've finally docked, that Zoo,Zoe, no Zhou guy walked up to us and said " Fire lord we have docked". Yay, Ozai continued walking like I wasn't there but I followed behind like I had before. I guess I get to meet my siblings now I hope they are not like there father at all.

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