Part 5

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Ozai continued walking like I wasn't there but I followed behind like I had before. I guess I get to meet my siblings now I hope they are not like there father at all.

Percy POV
Once we go off the ship I saw a lot more soldiers, they were lined up perfectly not a inch out of place. At the bottom on the steps outside of the boat I saw two of something Annabeth once showed me a picture of. I think she called is a pee-la-wine that seems right. Ozai stoped in front of the bigger one it was red. I was about to follow him into it when a voice spoke up " lord Perseus please step into the black palanquin" it was the Zhou guy who had said this. Behind the red one a smaller but no less grand black version was in place I stepped into and it looked comfy. But I did wonder how we were going to move. Right after I had sat down I felt like I was being raised then the pal- a- quin started to move.

I moved part of the fabric draped on all sides so I could see what happened and the soldiers were carrying them. There was citizens outside and they were bowing down making way for the peen-o- queens to get through the crowd. I wonder if my siblings would be up for moving somewhere else, I hate this royal thing.

The ride took forever, I had know ideas how the soldiers were still carrying is, they must be strong. We went pass multiple gates and finally we stoped in front of what looked like a only Chinese palace. There was more stairs, yay. When we reached the top and entered the building it looked like a throne room.

Azula POV

I was practicing my fire bending with Mai and Ty Lee. They helped me with a fun scrimmage, of course I won, they are still strong even without bending but nothing will compare to me. Then a servant girl came to the paved court yard where we are training and tells me that my father wishes to see me. I couldn't be more over joyed, perhaps he has good news like he took over another earth kingdom colony. I leave Mai, and Ty Lee to there own devices and walk to the throne room. Servants and vassals alike clear a path for me, since it must be well known by now I will be the next fire lord. Then when I arrived at the door to the throne room my happy train of thought was interrupted by the sight of my brother. " What are you doing here dummy" I inquire.

Zuko POV

I was perfectly happy feeding the turtle ducks by the pond then a servant told me my father wants to see me. I hope I didn't do anything wrong at least I think I didn't. The throne room was close to where I was so before I went in a tried to calm myself. Then I saw Azula coming down the hallway and I knew that whatever news our father had couldn't have been good if he wanted to see both of us. I was snapped out of my train of thought when Azula spoke " what are you doing here dummy". " Dad summon me", I replied quickly so this wouldn't escalate, I still sounded annoyed though." Whatever" was all she said, then Azula stepped inside abruptly leaving me to scramble after her.

Rewind 10min
Percy POV

After we entered the throne room Ozai called a servant and told them to summon his children. ' How heartless' I don't like how much Ozia reminds me of Zeus. He didn't say anything for a while the only thing that's could be heard was the crackle of the fire. Ozai sat in his throne and I stood next to him, we remained like that till finally a 11-year old girl came through the door with a 13- year old boy scrambling after her. " Azula wait up" the boy called then me looked up and meet my eyes. I think I was accidentally using my wolf glare he looked scared. The girl Azula I think it was got on one knee like a solider reporting to a commanding officer. After the boy meet my eyes he saw his sister and did what she did.


Zuko meet Percy eyes and was freaking out ' who's the kid next to father he looked even younger then Azula'. Ozai spoke "rise children" and they did so although Azulas movements were more graceful then Zukos. " How was your trip father" Azula spoke out, he replied " enlightening, in fact I've brought a surprise for you both". "What" the siblings thought simultaneously " father has never given us anything". Ozai continued to say " this is your half brother Perseus". Percy steps forward when Ozai says this . He speaks " hello you can call me Percy I hope to get to know you both". " What is going on, why in the world would father have another child he never told us about", Azula though. Percy talked again both siblings starring at him, barely able to keep there composure. " Our mother is dead, I don't think Ozai told you.

Now it was Zuko freaking out " he called father Ozai he's so dead". Ozai sighed " Perseus is the offspring from your Mother and a man she meet after she left here. Since your mother is dead, due to other circumstances I will be adopting Perseus and he will be staying here. I have nothing more to say, you can all leave".

Percy nodded at Ozai and ran and jumped over the firewall in front of him and landed perfectly. He got down on one knee like how Azula and Zuko were before. " I will take my leave now" is all he said before getting up and walking right past his new siblings all the way out the door.

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