Part 7

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"I thought you said you were gonna beat me" I said with a smear look on my face. For some reason she and Zuko looked shocked " Avatar" they said in unison. " What's a Avatar" was my ingenious reply.


Before the conversation could continue any further Ozai came out  "enough Perseus, your not to use your gifts". ' Dam why did this guy have to show up' Percy thought begrudgingly . He made the flame sword disappear and melted the ice at Azulas feet. " So Ozai why did you stop me, this is supposed to be a duel" Percy said. " It is a duel, but one between fire benders, no other ability's are allowed" Ozia replied. " That's not any fun" Percy began to say but then got cut off by Zuko " you knew, you knew he was the Avatar". Ozai kept his normal dictator expression as he spoke to his son " he's not the Avatar".

" Back up what's a Avatar" Percy yelled a little too loudly. " Father with all do respect how can you say he's not the avatar" Azula stated matter of factly. " Enough" Ozia yelled " my word is law Perseus is not the Avatar however he has been blessed by spirits and has abilities," he finished saying then walked away.

Azula and Zuko stared at Percy till he spoke, "so know that's he's gone are one of you gonna tell me what a avatar is". The siblings exchange looks and subconsciously agree Azula would explain. " The avatar is someone who can bend all four elements water, earth, air, and the superior element fire. Avatars are supposed to bring peace to the world but one hasn't been seen in 100 years". Zuko interrupted her " we assumed you were the Avatar because there supposed to be the only ones that can bend all four elements". " I get it" Percy said " but I can do more then just that stuff, let me show you".
Perseus closed his eyes and held his hands out in front of him and beautiful daggers appeared in both hands. " Here Azula there for you", " for me" she says questionably. " Who els dummy" they just seemed like they would suit you.

She stared at him attempting to keep a proper expression and demeanor for the current situation but in her head it was pure and undeniable chaos. " I don't need such things" she said even though the daggers kept dragging her in. That's when Percy got a idea " okay well how about this since you lost the duel you have to take these daggers and can only give them back after you defeat me". Percy's expression looked smug and satisfied. Azula contemplated for a bit but ultimately decided she should except the challenge. She signifies this by taking them from Percy " I could never turn down a good challenge".

After that a servant came to tell Azula that's May and Ty Lee were looking for her. That lead her to promptly leave, I could have sworn I saw a smile on her face, just a small one though.

Zuko looked at me I could tell he wanted a present too so I summoned twin katanas. Then I got curious about Aphrodites gift to summon clothes. Does Mask count as clothes? Only one way to find out, I tried to summon a deformed blue mask and it was successful. I handed the katanas and mask to Zuko. " I hope we can be good brothers" I said. Zuko hugged the gifts " Percy" there was a pause where all could be heard was the sound of wind " I'm really glad that you came here". With that Zuko left Percy alone on the paved court yard " glad huh" he said to himself.

I'm sooooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I'm just always super busy. But 3,000+ reads I have never thought I'd see the day. I will try to make more updates but no promises.

New start ( ATLAx PJO crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz