Part 2

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"we could always send him to his mother's family" - Hermes


" You can't possibly mean her horrible ex-husband"-Poseidon
"Not the one that Percy refers to as smell Gabe right"- Artemis
"Of course not I mean the children as husband she left in the other world"-Hermes
"I can't believe she is on her fourth lover, it's so unfaithful" - Hera
"Enough" Zeus boomed
" let's bring Percy here so he can decide"-zeus
Zeus waved his hand and a distraught Percy appeared in front of the Olympian's. He has his knees pulled to his head and was sobbing uncontrollably.
Only after his father spoke did Percy realize that his surroundings had changed and he was in Olympus. Not that is matter much to him, he  moved from his curled up position with tears still freely falling from his face. Then stared straight at Zeus and said " why am I here" with so much utter distain in his voice that every god shuttered.

"Perseus you have been brought here so we can tell you the truth about your mother" Zeus's reply's. " Do you mean that she's dead, I already know that" Percy spat back. "No not that, Sally kept something from you Percy" Poseidon answered. " Sally was from a different world and in that world she had a husband named Ozia and son names Zuko and a daughter names Azula" Hermes told Percy. "Ok" was all Percy replied as he turned his head away from the olympians. " you aren't surprised" asked Athena. "With all the stuff the gods have put me through since I was 12, did  you really expect me to get surprised anymore" Percy glares at her has he said this, and Athena flinches.

"Perseus yo.."- Zeus
"It's Percy" -Percy
" Percy you need to stop getting mad at us we are trying to help you"-Zeus
"Since when have you ever done anything for me besides put my life in danger"-Percy
" Son, would you like to go to this other world"-Poseidon

Percy states at him and the tension was so thick you could cut with a butter knife Percy nodded his head and the tears stop flowing. 'Maybe I can be happy with my siblings in this new world' he thought.

Percy POV

"Okay I'll go" I say standing up. 'It's not like I have anything left for me here, wait I do'. " I want to bring blackjack with me" "Done" Zeus said. All the gods shrunk down to there human forms and summoned blackjack. Then they each made sure Percy had what he needed for this new world by given him blessings.
Poseidon-( Better control over earthshaker powers)
Hades-( Ability to control flame)
Zeus-( lightning and flying)
Hermes-( control wind so can move fast)
Apollo-( play and instrument)
Artemis-( set perfect hunting traps)
Ares-( ability to use all weapons)
Athens-(better at battle strategy)
Aphrodite-( summon clothes)
Hera-( ability to detect lies)
Demeter-( make plants grow)
Hephaestus-( summon weapons)
Dionysus-( turn any liquid in to wine)

Athena looks at me " to make your transition easier I let your mother's ex-husband Ozia know of your existing and arrival". " I know you cared for my daughter deeply and I know for a fact that she would want you to find happiness with someone els". " Thank you, but I know for certain that I will not be able to move on any time soon"  I tell Athena. She gives me a smile that lets me know she understands.

"Little cus" Apollo calls out me me, " yeah I look at him " the time in this world and the one you are traveling to are different, time is faster here so your age will correct itself as you travel to that world" Apollo says. All the Olympian's look at him in shock " I am the god of knowledge after all" he reply's looking smug. The scene almost makes me smile then I remember all the death and sadness and that small hope of happiness disappears. As I watch the Olympian's laughing and bickering together and it reminds me of the 7 and how much I miss them. I hope that in this new world I will be able to find happiness with my siblings. I'm sick of war and conflict especially death maybe this world will be a peaceful world.
The Gods look at me and ask if I ready to go I nod and smile. It's a fake smile of course and the Gods know this. They each look at me and then my father says " Percy we hope you find happiness in this new world". I walk over next to blackjack the Olympian's start chanting in Ancient Greek. A wormhole appeared underneath me instead of falling in I feel like I'm enveloped in a warm light.

I open my eyes and move to a battle stance I sense people around me. A tall man with black hair dressed in a red robe looked at me and said " you must be Perseus".

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