Part 6

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He got down on one knee like how Azula and Zuko were before. " I will take my leave now" is all he said before getting up and walking right past his new siblings all the way out the door.


Zuko and Azula followed Percy out after bidding farewell to their father, they mostly wanted answers. ' Yay I finally got way from the goatee lord' Percy thought. The doors closed "so is there any place that we all can talk, I've been looking forward to meeting both of you" Percy told his siblings. " Who do you think you are" Azula started to say, then Percy interrupted her "didn't your father just tell you". Azula was fuming mad, and Zuko was trying to hold in a laugh. He stuck out his hand " I'm Zuko it's nice to meet you" Percy returned the favor "like wise" and they shook hands.

'I can't believe their both completely ignoring me' Azula thought .  In a fit of rage Azula yelled "I challenge you to a Agnie Kai"  at Percy. The servants passing by looked mortified, "an agnie what" was Percy ingenious response. Zuko took the liberty to explain " it's a battle between two fire benders". " Is that all I thought it was something bad, sure Azula I'll battle you". She looked taken back "really?" , "yeah where do you want to fight" Percy asked innocently.  "The paved court yard be there in a hour", after she said that Azula stormed off.

Zuko tried to pick the conversation back up again, " sorry about her she can be a little..." "much" Percy says and they both start laughing. " So your really my brother aren't you" Zuko looked serious now, " I am" Percy smiled sadly.

A servant approached the two prince's, "pardon my intrusion, Prince Perseus I would like to show you to your quarters before the Angie Kai begins" he finished stating. " Bye Zuko I guess that my que to leave" Percy waved goodbye and followed the servant.

They kept walking through the palace, people would stare and point. No one knew Percy was a prince yet and with his strange attire they didn't know what to think.

The servant continued to lead Percy to his chambers when they came across two girls talking. When Percy looked at them he immediately thought that one of them reminded him of Nico. She looked like she could care less about the world or herself. The other girl wore a smile and seemed to be excitable, she was doing back flips down the hallway.

Percy pov
I must have been staring too long because the girl with black hair and bangs walked over to me. " What your problem" she asked, " sorry for staring, you just reminded me of someone". The the cheerful one stepped forward " hi, it's nice to meet you, I don't think I've seen you around here before, I'm Ty lyee and that's May".

" Its nice to meet both of you as well I'm...." I didn't get to finish the sentence Azula came storming down the hallway " Perseus" she yelled. ' Great just when I was meeting new people' I thought. Azula approached them " hey sis, I thought you went to get ready for the Agnie Kai". I could see Ty Lyee and May's face turn to shock, as well as anyone else ease dropping. " It's non of your concern what I am doing Perseus " Azula snapped back. " I prefer to be called Percy, Zula". She turned red with anger it was hilarious. Ty Lyee butted in " Wow are you really Azulas brother, that would make you a prince right". I scratched the back of my head " I guess I'm her brother, we only found out recently".

" Enough, it is irrelevant if you are my brother or not Perseus" Azula said while glaring at me. "Why is it irrelevant Zula" I decided to tease, " because no matter what I will defeat you and prove you are nothing" she replied. ' Stupid Ozai he must have put pressure at this 11 year old girl' just thinking About it makes me mad.

The atmosphere was tense and before I could even reply to Azulas previous statement she spoke again " 20 minutes till the Agnie Kai, don't be late" then she walked off. Mai and Ty Lee follow after her both steeling glances at me.

20 minutes later

Me and Azula were standing in the paved court yard, the only ones that were allowed to witness the fight was Zuko, and Ozai. The failure of a father of course didn't show up. Zuko stood in the middle of the yard with me and Azula opposite to each other. " Begin" he yelled, Zula stared out strong with a beautiful blue flames kick. I easily dodged all of her advances, Azula was getting frustrated. " Fight back" she told me, I knew that I couldn't fight at full power, but it wouldn't hurt to show off a little. I created a small earth quake, and Zula stumbled, then I summoned some water from a near by vase, and froze it at her feet. Finally I created a sword out of bluish purple flame and held it in-front of her.

"I thought you said you were gonna beat me" I said with a smear look on my face. For some reason she and Zuko looked shocked " Avatar" they said in unison. " What's a Avatar" was my ingenious reply.

So sorry I haven't posted in a while I know you all hate me but I had to deal with some mental stuff, I want to thank you all for 1 thousand reads it means a lot to me. Please like and comment on the book and thank you for reading.

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