Chapter 11: Encountering a Goddess

Start from the beginning

It's surprising how I am completely being ignored yet I'm the topic here "Oh I almost forgot, Zeus, sent Artemis the Goddess of the Moon and the hunt to bring the 3 of you to him because he feels you guys are a threat to him and his throne."

'Sounds like Zeus' I thought

"You know the only reason I believe you, is because I can relate to wanting revenge but if you double cross us Zeus won't be your biggest issue." I threatened her.

"Fine! It's not like I'd want to be alone again" She whispered I'm sure Gwen heard it too as her eyes seemed to be unfocused for a second before she sighed and went to her seat and I smacked Bennie and told her to go sit down before we have to explain while she's so intimate with her brother.

Time skip

'So this is what school is like?' I heard Hope in my head 'can she hear my thoughts only or can she read my memories?' I thought we were in the middle of English class I couldn't say anything since the teacher is too strict.

'Just your thoughts to read your memory it would require a high amount of intimacy' I think she was blushing, but I couldn't check because Gwen was behind me if she catches me staring at Hope while she was blushing she'd take it the wrong way.

'You didn't invade my privacy to talk about school right?' I asked her not being interested in mere conversations.

'No, I know you don't trust me due to how we started on the wrong foot, But I'm willing to do anything to win your trust let's start with a mana blood oath' Hope said I fought my body and betrayed my internal shock a mana blood oath is like a promise that if failed to uphold would corrode the person mana core and life force.

'Okay, I accept, no offence but I find it hard that you're trying so hard to be close to the main reason your uncle is dead' I confessed

'Even at his last moments he hated you to his core and made Zeus hate you it's a good thing I didn't get his feelings I can't blame you for personal reasons but Zeus' She stopped here, I could tell she hated him or was that a side effect from receiving Hex memories I don't care, revenge could make her stronger plus I doubt a battle with Zeus was avoidable, after all, I am a true king.

'True king, you know I can hear your inner monologue right?' Hope's voice sounded in my head.

'Your spell, End it' I could try to end it but I didn't know if forcefully chasing her out of my head could have some side effects.

'Cute' After that I was left with my voice in my head as it should be I glared at Hope who pretended she didn't see it.

Time skip: Afterschool
Location: Park

We brought Hope to the pack because we had a lot to talk about and I felt comfortable surrounded by nature's energy.

"So now for the mana oath" The way it's done is I expel a large amount of mana into my blood and make a promise while she does the same then we mix our blood as a sign of that promise, and my blood would find its way to her mana core and implode if she breaks the promise.

"Okay here, I Hope, Daughter of Spellbinder promise to act upon no evil intention towards the Tennyson and would treat them as comrades never leaving anyone of them behind." Just how fucked up is the plot that I'm having Charmcaster swear an oath of friendship, I repeated the same thing then we mixed our blood just in time for me to dodge an arrow aimed at my head.

I traced the arrow and it led to a tree with a female wearing a hunting outfit with it mostly silver she had another arrow aimed at me 'I heard these girls are biased unendingly toward males' Testing that I jumped a considerable distance away from Gwen, Bennie and Hope while the arrows rained down on me eventually they stopped shooting and came off the trees ', Wow they are a lot more than I thought being surrounded by dozen females how did I not know they were here till they attacked?' Bennie, Gwen and Hope didn't have a single arrow close to them I doubt they could even feel the killer's intent from these girls.

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