Chapter 14:we'll be alright

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Chapter Fourteen:
we'll be alright

Chapter Fourteen: we'll be alright

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3rd Person POV

Indiana stayed at the stables over night in macs stall. they cuddled each other as they watched the sunrise and Indiana felt the sun on her face. she began the day with mac and she would end it with him. she went out into the arena and started to ride him around the arena as she made sure his reins were safe and tight.

"starting early I see" James said and she stopped in front of him as she looked close at him and nodded

"alright listen, I don't like you, I don't like your methods and I sure as hell don't like you calling me diana. I am tolerating you because I know that you can get us to nationals and hopefully help us win but I will not treat you like a god. so you train me and help me and we go on with our days. deal?" she said and he smiled at her

"deal" he said and then he held out the whip and she shook her head

"without, he doesn't need it. he's my horse and we have the same wavelength. i know how to win with him but I'm not using that" she said and she rode off with him as james watched her. that was until mia called a team meeting and Indi got off mac. she walked into the yard with him and she listened to mia

"as of this moment, no one, absolutely no one, is to be caught cavorting with anyone from holloway and yes, zoe, that does apply to a certain traitor, whose name i cant even bare speak" Mia said and Indiana laughed slightly under her breathe

"she means pin" Becky stated

" you don't have to worry about that mia, he chose his side. i chose mine" Zoe stated

"good.make sure it stays that way" mia said and she turned away from the others to walk away. Indiana watched mia and susie talk and she scoffed. She almost felt bad for susie and she knew that. she looked at mac and sighed, she ran her hand through his mane and she sighed

"we'll be alright," she said and she grabbed his lead as she walked him to the yard and looked around. she looked back at him and leaned her head against his, she sighed and got on him as she looked at the arena and nodded.

"just a little time away" she said to him and she pulled his reins as she went to ride away but someone called her name

"what?" she called and she turned to see gabby standing there

"i just gave zoe pins stuff back, who's this?" she asked and she stepped towards mac but he neighed and huffed at her

"this is mac, he hates new people so i suggest backing away" Indiana said and she looked gabby in the eye and stared her down. Gabby looked at the ground and Indiana smirked in triumph.

REFLECTIONS | MARCUS GREENBRIDGE ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora