They see another picture of balloon boy, then when they entered inside the building, they got spooked when standing in the entrance, was balloon boy.

"AH" they were creeped out by him.

"Ugh, that's creepy" shark says as a shiver went down his spine.

They each got a turn disgusted by it as they entered the building.

"How did kids like these things" piranha says.

"I'm just glad princess isn't here to see it" snake says.

Then when they entered inside, it was like the old Freddy fazbear's pizzeria but this one was colorful and in the center f the stage, they see the original cast but with the plastic ventriloquist look.

"Ok everybody split up, look for anything that might give us clues that'll tell us more about Freddy William or the missing kids and since these things attacked us before, we might be on the look at for them, so be careful" wolf says.

Then they teamed up like before, wolf with webs, piranha with shark and snake going solo.

He goes into a party room when he started to get another flashback, this time when he got a little older.

He was checking out this, trying to stop another attack from happening when he sees something, something that shocked him.

Shark and piranha kept a close eye on the toy animatronics.

Wolf and webs checked out the office, where they find more papers but also, they find blueprints of the toy animatronics.

"Hey wolf get a load of this, William decent into madness, it had Henry concern, he had a problem, he had trouble trying to keep William out and customers in, he didn't wanted to risk putting people in danger so he created an animatronics"

In the game room, behind piranha and shark on a table was a large blue and purple wrapped box.

then two flaps on top of the box slowly opened.

"It says here that it sat in a box, it was held by strings like a marionette, specifically to look out for some little girl named Charlie" webs says as a set of long sharp needle like claws reached out of the box.

"So it's like a personal bodyguard" wolf asked.

"Uh yeah" webs says.

"Cool, I should get one for princess"

Then they looked back at the paper, "he called it: the puppet"

Then something jumped out of the box and into the darkness, easily blending in.

It sure got piranha's attention, when he heard a strange noise, he turns around flashing his light at the empty box.

"Hey did you hear that" piranha asked as he scans the room, he was being cautious about what was coming to him and back up to shark.

"Heard what shark asked"

Back with webs, "willams heard about the reopening of Freddy fazbear's pizza when they were hiring, he was shocked when he found out Henry was the co-owner of the franchise, then he and Henry got into a fight, Henry still blames William for killing innocent kids"

"Well can't say I blame him, he was the reason for those murders years ago"

But piranha and shark were facing trouble of their own.

It wasn't long till they noticed something was watching them, they were looking around them room when behind them something scattered underneath a table.

"AH, what was that" shark asked as he points his flashlight to a table.

Then he heard something crawling behind them, moving two chairs.

"Over there" he screamed.

Then piranha turned his direction to a table to the right and as he slowly approached it, he lifts up the cover.

Then out pops the puppet.

"AH" webs wolf and snake heard piranha and shark scream.

"Come on let's go" webs says.

And when they went in the game room, they see piranha was putting up a fight with the puppet, shark was scared as he hid behind one of the tables.

The puppet pinned piranha to the ground, piranha struggles to keep the puppet from crawling its fingers in his face, he put his hands on the puppets face trying to push him back then...

Then puppet raised his right hand high and slashed through piranha's right cheek, leaving three scars.

"AH" piranha winded him pain but had no time to feel his scar.

Webs gasped in horror when the puppet hurt piranha.

But knowing piranha, he was tougher fighting so when the puppet tried to cut him again, the puppet used its let hand this time and tried to cut through piranha's torso.

But piranha moved and then puppet had its claw stuck in the ground and as it tries to pull its hand out.

Piranha kicks it with his two feet and the puppet hit the wall.

He got up rubbing his scar then webs crawled over to him and grabbed his cheek, looking at the scar.

"Are you ok" she asked as she had more concerned about him then for anyone else's.

"What, yes, I'm fine webs" he assured her as he takes her hand in his.

Then they turned to see the puppet was running, charging at them, webs held on tight to piranha hoping to protect him and he was holding her in his arms willingly to protect her and when the puppet jumped, they covered their faces so they won't see it coming.

When snake comes to the rescue, hitting the puppet with a axe.

And when he hits it like a baseball, the puppet fell back, rolling and it was crushed.

Everyone looks up at snake as he looks furious at the puppet while still holding the axe in his tail.

"Where did you get the axe" wolf asked.

"It was on the wall" he points to the "in case of fire" Red box then he drops the axe.

"Come on, let's get out of here before the animatronics attack.

"Agreed" everyone says as they walked out, webs was in piranha's arms when they exit the building.

But unaware the puppet slowly got up and turned towards them.

The puppet wasn't done yet...

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