Ch 22) Project: distRacted compatiBility

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Neir POV
simple distRactions

With a week before our first mission and a little downtime before the teachers have a talk with me and Ruby, I decide to go on a peaceful morning walk outdoors. 


I'm on a peaceful power walk outdoors.

*Stomp Stomp Stomp*

I'm on a peaceful jog outdoors.


I'm on a peaceful run outdoors.


I'm on a peaceful sprint outdoors trying to escape a very very scary woman. Alright, so maybe not so peaceful.

At a dangerously close distance away from me, Yang runs like a raging beast with eyes only for me, and maybe she is. Testing my theory, I shoot her a wink like waving a bloodstained flag at a deathbull.

Reacting just how I expect her to she leaps dozens of feet into the air, barreling through the sky to and directly toward me.

Narrowly do I dive through my door right as the ground below me explodes. My door shuts and I breathe a sigh of relief, laying spread eagle on the floor.

As I remain on the floor, someone's shadow covers me.

"Uhm, are you alright Neir?" Ruby asks, brows furrowed and eyes concerned.

"Yeah, totally." I say dismissively.


I check my scroll and read the message that appears first.

[You're not escaping Neir!]

I gulp.

"Are you sure you're alright? You're sweating a lo-"

"Hey Red, I just had a great idea!" I exclaim quickly as I get up and plant my hands on her shoulders.

She blinks rapidly as she meets my eyes. "Y-Yeah?"

"How about we head over to my workshop, I could use some help with some new parts I scrounged up."

Her eyes light up and since I hear heavy footsteps coming our way, I have no choice but to take Ruby's reaction as a yes regardless of what it meant.

"Close your eyes!" I hurriedly usher her as a door opens in front of us.

She closes her eyes. "Neir, why do I hear bos-" I cut her off by shoving her through the door as our dorm room entrance busts open.

"I'm borrowing your sister bye!" I smile at Yang before dashing through the door, a primal roar following close behind.

The door slams behind me and I land in a pitch black room.

"N-Neir? A-Are you there? I thought I heard Yang." Ruby says worriedly, stumbling around in the dark.

"Yeah I'm here, stay right where you are Red." I breathe another sigh of relief as I walk over to the light switch.

The lack of light must have affected Ruby's hearing as well, as I heard a large clatter close by telling me she did not stay right where she was. With my special contacts, I can see in the dark, meaning I can see Ruby flailing around embarrassedly in place with a large cluster of parts and tools at her feet.

How'd she even make a mess that fast?

"U-U-Uhm Neir? Y-You can take y-your time on that light switch." Ruby stammers as she tries to clean her mess up in the dark.

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