Ch 21) Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

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After mingling with the crowd for a bit, I make my way over to where I spot Ruby hiding out on her own. Taking a subtle swig of my flask and almost tripping a couple of times, I manage to find my way to the punch table.

"Oh, hi Neir." Ruby greet me without much enthusiasm.

"Welcome to the socially awkward club." Jaune adds flatly.

When'd he get here?

"You guys need to loosen up, just go out there and dance er sumthin." My words slur a bit.

"Not all of us are capable of just...going out there you know." Ruby she nudges her drink towards the other mingling students.

"I guess you're right." I murmur as I lean on the punch table next to Ruby. "Wanna trade drinks?" I offer my flask to her as I look at her punch.

She stares at the drink in my hand quite seriously, leading me to believe she's either contemplating accepting my offer or just stunned. Both thoughts have me bursting out in laughter as I pull it away from her.

"I-I'm just kidding Red, I would never offer you- *Hurk*" I cover my mouth.

"N-Neir?" Ruby steps forward worriedly alongside Jaune.

I hold my hand out to stop the two. "I-I'm fine, just gonna get some fresh air. I t-think there's a good balcony somewhere around here." I murmur to myself as I walk away from Ruby and Jaune.

I stumble forwards, acting sober when passing teachers, until I find a set of promising looking stairs. I manage my way up using the assistance of the railing and follow the wind flow to the outside.

"A rather large balcony." I observe to myself as I walk to the other end and lean on the railings.

I door a new flask and stare at my reflection through the metal container. My gaze lingers there for a moment until I unscrew the top and pour its contents over the edge.

"Cheers." I murmur as I take a sip from my other flask.

I'm not alone in my thoughts for very long until a far too warm voice calls to me from the way I came.

"I thought I saw you go this way."

I don't even have to glance back to know who they are.

"Magneto." I nod as I tuck away the flasks.

"Getting some fresh air I see." She says, her footsteps getting closer.

I remain quiet as she leans onto the railing next to me. At the edges of my vision, I see the soft smile on her lips that usually appears when we end up alone together.

"I heard you were as they say 'tearing up the dance floor' earlier, a shame that I missed it." 

"I wasn't exactly trying to be subtle you know."

"Yes well, that's what happens when you arrive late." She says quietly.

"And you were late why?" I raise a brow curiously, "I heard this was a pretty big event."

Pyrrha's smile falters for a moment. "To be honest, I'm not a big fan of these sort of things."

When she stops talking, I prompt her to continue by turning my head to her, but she remains quiet. She doesn't look back at me, instead, her eyes stare outwards over the edge of the balcony.

"Neir, who do you see when you look at me?" 

My spine tingles at the question I try so hard not to react to.

"Haven't I answered a question like this before?" I ask with a small smirk to hide my unease, "I can't tell if you're being serious or you're just trying to fish for compliments."

Project: RWBYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora