Ch 10) One Or The Other

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Days continue to fly by as I wade through this murky pool called life, unsure if I'm floating or sinking yet. But I'm still alive, that should count for something right?

And currently, I'm trying to count the bpm of this teacher's manner of speech, where every word sounds like it's on two times speed. Even his movements seem to be on par with Ruby's 'speed' semblance.

"This is prior to the Faunus rights revolution more popularly known as the Faunus war." He says as he zips and zooms across the front of the classroom.

Taking a closer at the mug he's holding onto, I assume he's drinking some form of body movement accelerant. That or some really potent coffee.

"Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in the menagerie."

He takes an extremely short break to sip the concoction in his mug before continuing. "Now! While this may feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events, why the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen today."

Another sip.

"Now, have any among you been subjugated or discriminated against because of your Faunus heritage?"

Below me, a familiar pair of ears twitch a bit. Since when was Bun-Bun in my class? I take a quick look around me and find a few other Faunus with various ears too.

I guess I've never noticed anything different about these people because I've always run on autopilot during these boring classes and never really looked around. Some may say I daydream too much, and they would be right. I wouldn't be a great scientist if I didn't.

I daydream so much so that I don't remember if we've ever talked about what a Faunus is in class either. Then again, I guess knowing what a Faunus is should be common knowledge to the locals of this world.

Then I notice that every furry eared classmate raises their hand, and when I look down at Bun-Bun I find her hesitating to do the same. She subtly glances around, nervously stealing glances from Cardin who's unfortunately in this class, until her eyes land on me.

I try to give her an encouraging smile and nod my head to her. She flushes a little and turns back to the front, slowly raising her hand. 

Her ears are so cute.

"Dreadful simply dreadful." The professor says just as quickly as the rest of his words.

It's hard to tell if he's sincere about that because of how quickly he moves on, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Remember students it is precisely this kind of ignorance that breeds violence." A quick sip. "I mean I mean I mean just look at what happened to White Fang."

White Fang? Where have I heard that name before?

"Now which one of you young scallions* can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the war?"

I prop my hand up by planting my elbow on my table.

"Yes, you in the back." The professor points his mug in my direction.

"The battle at Fort Castle?" I answer lazily.
"The battle at Fort Castle!" Someone answers eagerly at the same time.

I glance directly behind me and find Weiss shooting me a partial glare, making me grin a bit. She doesn't like it when I force her to share the spotlight.

Irking Weiss like this is my one motivation to research the pointless history of this world so I answer these questions and she knows it. She flips her head with a silent 'hmph' and turns back to the professor. I do the same but with my cheek now resting in my still propped up palm.

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