Ch 18) And Suddenly A Death Bot Is Out To Get You

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"Alright, uh, I don't really get what's going on here." Ruby says, her eyes darting between the metal underneath Penny and I's hands.

I clench my fist then knock on my forearm, producing a metallic thunking noise. "It's just a prosthetic arm with a few special functions. Don't worry, I'm not a full blown robot, unlike a certain someone it would seem." I say, not so subtly glancing at Penny.

"He is correct." Penny looks down at her metal hands sullenly. "While most girls are born, I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an aura. I'm not real." 

Seeing her frown like this, my lips twist when I get some dejá vù that isn't in the form of a vision.

I point a finger at her. "Science says that if you can point at it and there's truly something there to back it's existence, then it's real. And I'd say I'm pointing at a girl at the moment."

Penny looks up at me, hope and uncertainty clouding her features. Then Ruby takes a step forward to grab hold of her hands.

"He's right you know, as he usually is." She giggles softly, "Just because you have nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts doesn't make you any less a person than me." She speaks comfortingly to Penny.

I notice that Penny's uncertainty fades slightly as she scrutinizes the two of us. "The two of you are taking this... extraordinarily well."

Well, I've worked with something like you in the past.

I don't that out loud though as it would definitely just bring up more questions than answers.

"Penny, you're not like the things back there." Ruby speaks with a soft smile, "You have a heart, and a soul, I can feel it." She smiles taking a step back.

Penny's hands gently clasp around Ruby's shoulders before suddenly pulling her in for a big hug.

"Oh, oh Ruby, you're the bestest friend anyone could ever have!"

"I can see why your father would want to protect such a delicate flower." She manages to squeak out as she is squeezed to death in Penny's loving robotic arms.

"An interesting way to go out, that's for sure," I mumble amusedly.

"And you, Neir, if you were my friend you would also be the best with Ruby." She beams, "But since you're my acquaintance, you're the best acquaintance anyone can ever have!" She gushes the same way as with Ruby, and she also approaches with her arms open to squeeze me like Ruby.

After glancing at Ruby who is catching her breath after all of it was squeezed out of her. I take a step back and dodge her grapple. "Hugging is only something you do with people who are at a minimum, your friend," I explain to her gently.

"Oh, then will a handshake suffice?" She tilts her head slightly.

I nod my head with a shrug. "Sure, why not." I hold out my right hand.

Quickly does metal meet metal, making a noise that should not be produced by a mere handshake.

"By the way, who is your creator?" I ask after a few more brief moments.

"My father? Oh, if you guys were to meet him I am sure you would just love him. He's very nice and he loves me very much." She states happily.

I take note that she doesn't actually answer the question.

"Wow, so he built you all by himself huh." Ruby comments having regained enough breath to join the conversation.

"Almost, he had help from Mr.Ironwood."

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