I sit down and he says, "Ok, were not leaving until we find you the perfect courses for school!"

"I-its fine, really. I'll join one when I find one that really speaks to me" I say. I don't want to feel like a burden on him. Afterall, if I can't find another course to join, it's my problem- not his.

"Nope, I'll only give up as a last resort. Now- how about we make a list of all the different courses they offer at Hexside" he says.

We spend about an hour making and going through the list of courses at Hexside. He's finally helped me narrow it down to 2 courses. I hadn't even realized how much fun these 2 courses looked too!

"Ok, hmmm...." I sink into thought, trying to think of which course if like the best. "I think I'll go with the plants course" I finally decide.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about Gus!" He says, smiling and pumping his fists in the air.

We both stop laughing and listen to the nature around us. It's so pretty.

I look over at him. The sun is shining through the leaves and placing a golden streak of light on his golden brown hair. It looks really soft today.

And his smile. His smile is so adorable. I start to lean a little closer to him. I think about what it might be like to kiss him. How would he react? Would he run away? Would he ever talk to me again?

I start over thinking everything. I turn away and bring my knees up to my chest. I bury my head in my arms and try not to cry. I'm so stupid. Why am I even crying? Nothing even happened! Stop being so stupid Gus! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

I feel the tears start to fall from my eyes onto my arms. No No No No No. Stop crying Gus! Stop it Stop it Stop it!!

I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Matt. He says, "Hey, is everything ok Gus?" I quickly wipe my eyes and say, "y-yeah, my..... allergies are just acting up"

He sees right through my terrible lie and says, "Look, you don't need to tell me what's wrong if you don't want to. But you need to know that I'm always here ok?"

"I-" my voice cracks. I start crying again. Shit. Stop crying Gus. Stop crying you stupid idiot! Matt hugs me and I hug him back.

"Im just so sorry I keep burdening you with my stupid emotional problems. I'm sorry I-" Matt cuts me off before I can finish what I want to say.

He brings one hand up to the side of my face and turns me to face him. "Gus, please stop" he says. I can see small tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Gus, you have to stop belittling your emotions. You're not a burden. You're not a problem. You know you can tell me when something is wrong right?"

His eyes scan mine for some sort of understanding. I just stare back. I can't speak. I can't move. "Gus, please. Please let me help you" he says, his voice is starting to crack.

I didn't know he cared this much.... I felt myself blush a little. The thing is though. I don't know what I should tell him...

I finally find the ability to move again. I scoot myself back a little bit to give us some room. "O-ok, I can tell you"
I finally say.

His eyes stay staring eagerly at mine, so I look at the ground. I start to tell him one of the things on my mind.

"Well, umm.... you know the time I ran over to your house and my eye w-was turning blue?"

He nods, his eyes still not losing their spot on mine.

"W-well, I don't know what that was. But I'm pretty sure I know what caused it..."

He scoots closer to me.

"You see- umm. My parents have been going through a umm..... for the past few years my parents have been going through a.."

I have trouble finding the ability to say that one damn word. That one stupid stupid word.

Matt cuts in, "Hey, if you don't want to say the word you don't have to. I know what you're trying to say"

"Thank you" I whisper.

I continue my story, "And that day... my mom was..." I take a deep breath "my mom was moving out"

The words ring throughout the forest. Like some sort of sick echo made to haunt me like a ghost. I look up at Matt for the first time in a few minutes and I see him.. crying.

"Oh no, a-are you ok Matt? Was it something I did? C-can I do anything to help-" I'm cut off.

Matt cups my face in his hands. "Umm Gus... can I umm... can we umm.." his face is bright red and he's fumbling through his words.

Without another seconds thought, i say "Yes" and lean in to kiss him. I feel my face immediately turn bright red. But I dont care.

I pulled away from the kiss and see Matt just staring at me. He looks down and saus"I-im sorry, I didn't want you to feel forced to do that or something. I-it was-"

This time I cut him off. "What are you talking about? Do you know how long I've wanted to do that?!"

He looks up at me, shocked. He smiles and hugs me. I hug him back.

After a few minutes we pull away from eachother. "So..." I say "what does this make us?" He looks over at me and says, "I- I don't know... whatever we want to be I guess"

We sit next to eachother for a bit. Each of us a blushing mess.
"Hey Matt?"
"Do you... want to be my boyfriend?"

He turns to look at me and smiles,"I thought you'd never ask"

I hold his hand and lay down on my back. He does the same. "Hey Matt, can we just stay like this for a bit?" "Yeah... whatever you want" he replies.

Titan above. If this is all a dream.. I swear I will never be happy again.

(End scene)

Healing Hearts (Gus x Matt) Where stories live. Discover now