Re-write the Stars

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A/N: Unedited. Grammatical and Typo Errors may occur.


While everyone is having a good time my phone suddenly buzzed in a specific way I set for emergencies.
Slowly I made my way out of them and checked my phone. Fúck! They figured it out quicker than expected. I thought I could spend a week with her but it's only been two days. Nym-0S showed my pursuer's gps location. They'll be here in a day or two. That's not enough! But If I don't act up accordingly, she's going to be in danger again. As much as this idea is annoying me, I have no other choice. I need someone to help me protect her this time.
Phil passed by and even I hated the idea, I have to set that aside and approached him.

After 20 minutes of talking to Phil my baby came looking for me.
Worry is written on her beautiful face.
"Jake!" She called my name and immediately snaked her arms around my nape, hugging me tightly.
"I thought you left me" pain is evident in her voice. "Shhhh.. I am here, love" I hugged her back to help her calm down and kissed her temple as I wiped her tears.
When she calmed down we went back where the others were and spent another 3 hours drinking with them.
Hence we are both drunk we decided to walk on our way home.
Jessy's apartment is 20 minutes away (by feet) from my baby's apartment.
We are holding each others hand while looking up to the stars on our way.
"They're beautiful as always" she said, her eyes are glimmering with happiness and satisfaction.
"Not as beautiful as you" I replied with a smile. My eyes fall on her neck where my gift is.
I suddenly felt a deep sadness and didn't noticed her calling my name until she grabbed my nape and pulled me into a kiss.
My senses instantly came back and deepen the kiss.
"Is everything okay you looked troubled" She asked looking intently into my eyes. I just shook my head in response and we continued walking. The walk felt too short as we came home real quick.

Jake seems to be troubled, I saw a deep sadness in his eyes earlier. I wonder what the reason is but my heart suddenly felt a deep unexplainable pain and I unconsciously dropped the glass I was holding.
"Are you alright?" Jake quickly came in to help me. "Yeah sorry, I was just pondering on something" I told Jake, what he did next surprised me and made me blush hard.
He took my bleeding finger in his mouth and sucked it. When the bleeding stopped he carried me into my bedroom in bridal style and carefully laid me down.
"J-jake" I stuttered as I swallowed the lump on my throat. Jake didn't say a word, for the first time he laid down beside me (Unlike the first night he literally slept on the edge part of the bed while holding my hand) Jake placed my head on his arms and tightly embraced me. His warmth is so comforting making me fall asleep peacefully. It was one peaceful night.
The next day Jake took me on a date. we walked around the town and spent the day picnicking at the Black Water Lake.
We both laid down ourselves as we watch the clouds above, our hands intertwined while feeling the cool breeze.
"I never been this happy. Thank you love" Jake said out of the blue. There is a hint of sadness on his voice which alarms me.
"You are hiding something Jake" he looked at me surprisedly. Jake is about to open his mouth but decided not to continue instead he gave me a quick peck on my lips.
"When the time is right, I will tell everything you want to know love" Jake said in a pleading voice.
"Are you going to leave me Jake?" I asked. Jake held my face lovingly, like memorizing each detail of it. "Never" he replied and continued "I will never leave you, you are here" he said and placed my hands on his chest "and I'm with you always. I will even re-write the stars for you" he added and kissed my hand "that's a promise" a smile formed on his lips and somehow it comforts me.
We went back home after having dinner at the Blackswan. I went straight ahead to the shower room and when I went back into my room  I was surprised to see the bed having petals on it. The lights are off, the only source of light were the candles placed on the floor making a pathway leading to the bed.
Jake silently approached towards me, his hand holding a small box.
He kneeled down and opened it, showing a ring.
"This is from my mom, she asked me to give it to the woman whom I want to spend my life with. When everything is over, Y/N, will you be my future wife?" He asked hopefully.
My tears started to brim as I said "Yes. Yes Jake. I will marry you" and extended my right hand. Jake placed the ring on my finger and hugged me tightly, thanking me over and over again.
"I love you so much" he said while looking at me intently.
"I love you too Jake" I replied.
He slowly leans his face and finds his way to my lips. 
"Remember my promises no matter what happens" he said between our kisses "even the world tore us apart, I will find my way back to you. I will fight destiny and win" he added.
Why is he saying these things as if, he is saying goodbye?
I pulled him closer in response, not holding back the tears.
"I will fight with you" I whispered, I felt his lips formed a smile and responded "that's my wifey" and he claimed my lips.
"Make love to me Jake" I said and he froze.

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