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Duskwood Episode 10 cont.

Everyone rushed to Hannah's side after learning she was finally found. I haven't heard anything from Jake, each second that passes by my anxiety grows.
I find myself kneeling down, praying earnestly for Jake
"Lord please, let no harm fall upon him. I beg you to keep him safe please" I whispered as I felt the warmth of my tear drops running through my cheeks.
Images of him being captured by the FBI flashes on my mind as if it takes all my remaining energy.
No. No. I can't be like this.
Jake said he will meet me.
He said he wanted to make the thoughts I had of him into reality.
I have to do something.
Jake said we will meet, that means, he will do everything on his power not to be captured by his pursuers.
I must do the same, I can't sit down and cry in times like this. Tears will not help him escape.
With my new found determination, I picked my phone and sent our group chat a message.

Me: Guys please come quick Jake needs our help

Cleo is Online

Jessy is Online

Jessy: Hey is Jake okay?

Lilly is Online

Lilly: Did you heard anything from him?

Thomas is Online

Thomas: 👋

Dan is Online

Dan: What's up boo? Did the hacker get caught?

Cleo is typing.....

Jessy: Not funny Dan 😤

Lilly: Dan!!

Cleo: we are all ears to you. Let us know.

Me: Allan told me the FBI arrived too in the Ironsplinter, Jake is in danger! We have to help him!

Jessy: 😱

Lilly: This is my fault 😔

Thomas: Shit, what should we do?

Me: I have an idea, we have to spread the news of Hannah being found. If possible, we need the entire duskwood to be there.

Dan: you want Hannah to be welcomed by entire Duskwood?

Jessy: What for?

Lilly: I'm not catching up either

Me: we need more people around the area. That way, Jake can easily blend in the crowd and sneak.
Lilly, you remember how #iamjake helped him?
We will do the same this time.

Cleo: How are we going to accomplish that?

Me: Now you asked that, I need you to tell your mom the news about Hannah.
Everyone, should do the same. If we can make them scatter around the area it will be great.
I know this idea isn't the best but I can't think of any other options to help Jake. He needs us. Please.

Cleo: I'm in

Jessy: Me too

Thomas: but for sure they'll close the area.

Dan: Tommy boy is right. The FBI will have their eyes on us, worst case scenario.

Jessy: Dan!!! 😑

Lilly: I don't care. He is my brother and he helped us save Hannah.
I'm going there. Even it means sneaking inside the mines and getting FBI's attention!

Me: we can use the excuse of looking out for our friend Richy.
I will tell Allan that you will help looking out for him as you know him better than anyone else.

Jessy: guys...you have to know something.

Dan: yo babe?

Thomas: ?

Me: Jessy please 🥺 Jake needs our help right now

Jessy: but they have to know 😐

Lilly: what's going on?

Me: yes they will. Please let me elaborate it later. We have to act quickly right now. Every second counts. Please. I beg of you.

Jessy: okay 😔

Lilly: Alright lets do it. My brother needs us.

Cleo: yes. I'll talk to my mom and see if we can gather the church to look for Richy.

Me: thank you very much Cleo!

Dan: In case y'all forgot I'm walking on four legs.

Thomas: Right, we'll you can stay with Hannah while we look for Richy.

Dan: 👍

Me: thank you so much guys I owe you big time.

Lilly: No, you don't owe us anything except the thing Jessy is telling we need to know. Off we go now.

Dan is offline

Thomas is offline

Cleo is offline

Lilly is offline

After our conversation, I feel more hopeful.
Jake.... Please hang in there. You better keep your promise to me.
For the time being, I have to start telling my friends the truth about the Man without face.
After composing the long message containing the truth about Richy and revealing everything, how he became the man without face, the truth about Jennifer's death and how they (Hannah, Amy and Richy) got involved. I sent it to our group chat with a sigh.

I called Allan and informed him about my friends coming to help search for Richy.

* 1 hour passed*

They decided to prioritize helping Jake and postpone their questions and sentiments about Richy.
Dan stayed by Hannah's side while the others go in pairs to search for the exists.
Cleo's Mom came with volunteer members of the church to search as well.
I really hope my plan will work and that Jake will be able to escape.

Me: Jake our friends gathered up people to search in exists for Richy.
But our main purpose is to distract the FBI and we are hoping through that, you'd be able to sneak out without being noticed by FBI.
Please be safe Jake. Let me know you are safe, I will wait for you and hold on to your promise. We shall meet in duskwood, right?

*5 hours passed*

Everyone decided to go back to their respective homes and get some rest.

My full attention is on my phone, waiting for Jake's message to pop up the entire night and when I heard its message tone, I quickly opened it only to see Allan inviting me for a coffee to my dismay.
I haven't heard anything from Jake, my friends didn't find anything either.

My chest hurts.
I never felt this before. The pain of waiting, each second feels like im dying.
Dying to hear a word, even just a single word saying he is safe.

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