Phil's Angel

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The moment I laid my eyes on her, I know she will give my life a complete turn over. Consider me crazy for coming to the shop, sit on the corner and watch her work. I haven't heard from her since I offered her a job. I was staring at my phone waiting for it to flash her message but to no vail. So when Jessy said she's already got a job the next day, my shoulders fell. I was really looking forward for her to apply and work in Aurora. I imagine working in Aurora would be way more enjoyable with her around. Just...just look at her warm smile, the way she laugh and entertain the customers sweetly. Such a heart melting scene. I watched her for hours in a corner, not making my presence known. I seen almost all the people in Duskwood wanted to meet her. The shop was packed since morning I bet. Who wouldn't want to meet her? She's drop dead gorgeous, her voice is sweet and soothing like a radio DJ. Her personality is warm and comforting, like a home. It is still fresh in my memory how she helped cleared my name without hesitation. She is an Angel sent from above to Duskwood. Angel who did not hesitate to risk her life finding Hannah and helping people. She is a guardian angel, she did not only show the police to the right path to save Hannah , but also she showed me a new path to walk on and led me away from the darkness of the path I'm walking, helping me restore my relationship with my sister and improve it. No one ever melted my heart like this, this new feeling that builds up inside me. Is this what they call love? I'm not sure if this is love, but one thing I am sure, I'm sure she changed me from within to be a better person and that I wanted to protect her with my life. My thoughts were interrupted when  I saw the owner started to do the pre-closing. Did I just stared her for hours without noticing the pastries were sold out already?! Stupid me. Slowly I walked towards the door when she started cleaning the floor. I pulled the door a bit to make a sound of "someone just got in" and started to make a conversation. 

"I heard the mystery girl's moist coconut brownies here are good, but turns out I'm late. I came for that" I said as I pretend to look at my watch and turn my gaze around the shop. Her head pop out of the counter, her hair is a little messy but messy in a sexy way. Damn I'll be doomed.  She rose up and said "I'm sorry sir, they were sold out  an hour ago" she haven't recognized me yet. " I travelled specifically for that and to get a photo with the new celebrity. Can I have a photo with you?" I asked playfully. Recognition and shock is now written on her face. Ha! Adorable! She was speechless! LMAO. I guess I should thank God for giving me good looks. I leaned closer to her and teased her "Princess you've been staring at me for a minute now, am I that astonishing to your eyes?"  She blushed and quickly defended herself, so adorable. I'm having the urge to pinch her blushing cheeks but I have to control myself, I don't want to push her away. I want to tease her a little bit more as her face is telling "what in the world he is doing here?" lol. she is so easy to read. My grin grow wider "Isn't it obvious? I came for you and for that coconut brownies". She stepped backwards to give space between us. Makes me wonder if my presence affects her?  "I'm sorry Phil, uhm maybe come back some other time. Its sold out" she said apologetically. I gave her the best puppy look I can and asked for a photo. There's no way I'm going back without having that. Her boss came and we introduced ourselves. Y/N looks pretty exhausted. So I volunteered to help with the chores. Time to flex a bit of muscles and get this chance to drive her home. We finished cleaning quickly and I offered he a ride which I she wasn't able to decline. At the back of my mind I'm cussing the distance, its only a five minute drive away from her work. I wish its longer, so I can hear her giggle on my jokes. She was about to go off the car when I make her stop. "Wait" I said as I quickly jumped out of my car to open the door and help her get out "Careful Princess" I courteously said. Right, from this day forward I'm going to treat her a Princess and hope to win her heart. "Thank you Phil for everything you did today" she said with a genuine smile. Out of habit I brushed my hands through my hair before responding "Anything for you Princess". She is about to get in her house when I stopped her once again. "Wait a second, I believe I deserve a photo with you Princess" I said while wiggling my brows. She sighed in defeat and said "Fine". My hands easily find its way to her shoulders and I leaned closer, my cheeks touching hers and I raised my other hand to take a selfie. She was surprised with my action and I captured it. This is going to be  a nice wall paper, I told myself. 

"Wait Phil! I looked hideous!" she protested. 

Hideous? Nope. You'll always look like an Angel in my eyes and before she can try snatching my phone away to delete the photo I quickly slid in the car and started the engine. 

"Good night Princess!!" I shouted as I drove away from her. I still can see her reaction on my side mirror. 

She made my day and my entire night at Aurora went smoothly. 

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