Our First Day

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Eda's voice narrates. For as long as I can remember, Valerie was always energetic. She loves learning about the things around her.

She's always loved magic, human things, and basically anything that could catch her attention. The one thing she never liked however; was crowds.

I don't know why she had this fear. Maybe it was the fact that she could get easily lost, easily taken, or the fact people stared at her sometimes cause of her appearance having round human ears, bright orange hair, and green eyes.

Valerie wasn't the biggest fan of people staring at her, but she isn't shy. At least, I think she isn't? What she is, is an adventurous, mischievous, at times even naive, emotional, stubborn but tough girl.

She's selfless, brave, and stands for what she believes. She's very curious, loves to learn about magic and the people around her.

One distinctive thing about her, is that she writes a lot. Like A LOT. She loves doing anything that has to do with a pencil or pen on paper. She loves writing and drawing.

I remember asking her why she loves drawing things like people and animals and she told me: "I like to draw because it helps me remember better! If I draw little details on something, then the next time I see that person, or animal, I'll easily remember. It's also fun!"

I always like looking through her journals and sketch books. Her passion for writing and drawing explains why she loves to learn about new things like culture, the human realm, the people around her, and magic.

Which is why I feel bad about not putting her in school earlier, but I knew the school wasn't gonna let her do what she wanted, so I just tried my best to teach her myself.

At least now she's going, and she got to meet an old friend of hers she thought who wouldn't remember her.

7 years ago

Eda was doing her regular routine of trying to sell products to people on the streets. Valerie was looking through the stuff since she usually gets bored when Eda sells.

As Valerie got more bored, she decides to walk around; without Eda knowing. Valerie walked off.

She walked off somewhere rather quiet and not having much people around, which is what lead her to meet her first ever friend. "H-Hey! S-Stop!" Valerie looks to where the noise came from to see a little kid in the middle of bunch of other kids.

About seven of them. The kid in the middle is a young girl, she has dark skin, light colored eyes, short blue hair, cubby cheeks, and has little white bat wings. They also wear a blue dress.

The other kids have something of hers as they toss it around. "Give it b-back!" They demand. One of the kids catch it and hold on to it as they look at her.

"It's just a dumb ball, why do you want it so bad?" The boy asks.

"B-because it's m-my only t-toy!" She yells.

"Oh really?" The boy then throws the ball over his shoulder as the ball goes towards the street and eventually gets crushed by a carriage passing by. This makes the young girl sad.

"Hey!" Everyone looks at Val, who was the one that yelled. "You're a bunch of bullies!" Valerie angrily yells.

"So what?" The boy questions.

"So I'm gonna kick your butt!" Valerie threats.

"Kick my butt? A little shrimp like you could never defeat all of us! So beat it!" The boy brags.

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