Venture Of Mind

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It's a beauty day at Hexside. Inside, Boscha is magically changing her nails and Amity is reading.

She changes her nails to tentacles, flames, then finally talons. "Too wiggly. Too obvious. Now we're talkin'! I think today is a talons day—rawr!" Skara walks up to them.

"Hey, girls! Time to bug out at my birthday party!" Skara holds up an invite which unrolls in the shape of a red butterfly. Its wings read "SKARA'S 15th". "Invite only, but you witches are my VIPs!"

"Are these made of real insect wings?" Amity asks.

"My dad spared no expense! You only turn 15 once!"

"You only turn every age once, Skara."

"Prepare yourself!" Luz yells.

This catches the attention of Boshca, Skara, and Amity. They look to see Valerie and Luz facing each other intensely. Valerie then cracks her knuckles.

"Get ready, Willow. For: human fight!" Valerie then tackles Luz to the ground and they start wrestling. Willow giggles. "It's fun because others are getting hurt!" Willow says.

"It's so weird that two humans go here now. Too bad they have already burned their social life into stake. Any friend of Willows is an automatic dork." Boshca states.

They look again to see Valerie has got Luz in a chokehold. Luz having her tongue out as she makes gagging sounds from Valerie not holding back.

"Say 'uncle', dude!" Valerie suggests.

"Uncle!" Luz yells as she taps the floor. Valerie let's go letting Luz take a deep breath in and start coughing.

"Too bad that Dragonborn is friends with her. She had lots of potential! But it all went down the drain." Boshca states.

"She never cared about her image. All she ever cared about was the owl lady, her rat, and her journals." Amity retorts.

"How do you know that?" Skara asks.

"It's obvious. She always walks around with a journal. Who knows what she's writing in there." Amity says.

"Probably something stupid." Boshca whispers. Boshca looks at Valerie as she's laughing at Luz as she tries to get some air.

Skip ahead, Luz and Valerie are at their lockers, which are next to each other. "Oh my gosh, Willow, I'm so excited for photo class! I can't believe you can make pictures of your actual memories!" She opens locker.

Valerie already having hers open as she's eating snacks she put in there. "I'mma see me some baby Willow!" Luz says.

"I'll admit, I was adorable." Willow admits.

"I can't wait to see my friend Aiko's! I want to see what she did while she was gone those seven years." Valerie explains.

"I'd be more interested to see yours, Valerie." Willow admits.

"My memories?"

"Yeah, you probably have some really cool memories with Eda and King!" Luz states.

Valerie chuckles. "Yeah, that's probably most of my memories. I wonder though..."

"Wonder what?" Willow asks.

"If... we digged hard enough, do you think we could find a memory of my real parents?" Valerie questions.

"That... actually could work. But when picking memories—" Before Willow could say it; Val interrupts.

"Yeah yeah, I know, it's random, you won't actually know what memories your picking out." Valerie said, sounding annoyed at the fact.

Luz tries to take a book out of her locker, but it bites down on it. "Don't eat that." She pulls at the book only for her to fall. "Whoa!"

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