"Hey, Zoltan," Alice greeted as she walked over, the boys followed. 

Zoltan looked at her. "Miss. Alice."

Alice put her hands behind her back. "I was wondering if you knew anything about Rendfield's dad?"

"Whatever you've heard, it's lies, all lies," Zoltan answered in a bit of a panic. 

"He sounds nervous," Vlad said he and Robin looked at each other. Zoltan let out a fart. 

"He smells it, too," Robin groaned; he waved the air by his nose. 

"Oh, is that the time?" Zoltan asked. "I think I'll just go and stretch my wheels."

"Spill, Zoltan," Vlad ordered. "I want the truth, or I'll let Ingrid put itching powder in your stuffing again."

"Master Vlad, you wouldn't," Zoltan said in disbelief. Vlad raised his eyebrows; Zoltan sighed. "Renfield Senior had this habit of sulking outside the castle. You have to remember I hung out with a bad pack of hellhounds in those days." Vlad, Robin, and Alice glanced at each other. "Anyway, one moonless night, my muchachos and I ambushed someone by the south tower. By the time we realized it was Renfield Senior, all that was left of him was what's in my basket." They all looked over at the basket; they all let out a groan. "Oh, no, that's a little accident I had earlier. The bone." Vlad picked it up.

"So he took this secret to the grave," Robin gathered. 

"No longer a problem," Vlad said. Robin quickly realized what Vlad meant, soon they were back in the lab.

"This is so what I want to do when I leave school," Robin wished. "Muah ha ha ha ha ha!" He stopped when Vlad looked at him. 

"I enjoy science...but I prefer biology," Alice admitted as she looked at the book with Vlad. "Maybe a Wildlife expert...or a teacher." Vlad looked at her.

"Don't do this, Master Vlad," Zoltan pleaded. "Renfield Senior was mad, bad, and dangerous to know. And when he sees me, he's going to want revenge."

"Maybe you should nip to the card shop," Robin suggested. "See what they've got in the sorry I accidentally savaged you to death section." 

"Shut up," Vlad ordered as he looked at Robin and Zoltan. "I need to concentrate. This is dark alchemy."

"Are you sure this is wise?" Alice asked. "You are average in science."

"I'm sure," Vlad said as she looked back at her, then at the others. "We're gonna bring back Renfield's dad." Vlad started to turn on the machines, as Robin and Alice poured in gut juice." At some point, all three of them were running around putting the alchemy recipe together." Vlad's hair was all over the place, he was playing with the electricity.

"That's it," Robin confirmed as walked over to Vlad. "Ready?"

"We're gonna need a bigger bolt," Vlad admitted. 

"Bolt?" Alice repeated as she and Robin looked at each other.

"Of lightning," Vlad confirmed.

"We could be waiting months for a storm," Robin reminded Vlad. 

"Not when your dad's Count Dracula," Vlad smiled a little. Vlad then made his way upstairs as Alice flipped through the pages some more, Robin was pacing back and forth. 

"Zoltan, are girls allowed to do alchemy?" Alice asked. "Or is it just for boys?"

"I'd say it's just for boys," Zoltan began. "But I don't think that's ever stopped a girl before...you should look more into chemistry than biology, Miss. Alice."

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