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For way too long -in Jungkook's opinion- Taehyung pretends that he hasn't moved in. Despite having brought over most of his wardrobe and spending every single night in the Alpha's bed, he still insist that he lives at his family home.

Jungkook is still not taking it personally. It's cute, really.

He loves waking up to those soft chocolate eyes, the gloriously warm, naked, silky limbs wrapped all around him. He loves it almost as much as he loves falling asleep with his Omega, always satiated and tasting Taehyung on all of his skin. They have learnt each other's bodies inside and out and the pleasure, as a result, is almost unbearable.

Jungkook craves for Taehyung constantly and finds himself antsy if he spends too long away from him. The most peace he ever feels is when he's buried deep inside his mate, their wolves connecting right there with them. It feels almost holy.

One of the greatest joys that Jungkook has ever felt has been observing the change in Taehyung.

The gradual, delicate opening of his character, the relaxing of his protective barriers until he is, now almost always, entirely soft and vulnerable in Jungkook's presence, even more so when in his arms. He lets Jungkook in, trusts him with his thoughts and feelings, he trusts him with his heart. Unconditionally.

It's a privilege, he realises that -one he'll never take for granted.

Even though it's absolutely no longer because of any formal arrangement, Jungkook wants to broach the subject of marriage. He wants that with Taehyung, more than anything, but he doesn't want to undo everything that they have built together over the last few months by putting pressure on the Omega over a subject he knows is difficult for him.

The fact that the topic hasn't been discussed doesn't stop Jungkook being enthusiastic about it. He has no idea how to even bring up the subject, yet he has already bought wedding rings which sit, lonely and expectant, deep in the depths of his wardrobe, waiting for their moment. Sometimes, like a lovesick teenager, he holds the little box and wonders what it would feel like to be married, would it be any different between them.

Once Jungkook's students finish their examination term, he has a whole summer of lighter workload and conveniently, it coincides with Taehyung finally getting his petition granted with the approval of the law. Since Layla's company is no longer fighting with him, the new conservation status has been easy to pass, which means, the very spot where they met is now protected for years to come. Taehyung feels relieved and that he has finally achieved something.

Taehyung has thought about marriage many times. He sometimes wonders why Jungkook doesn't bring it up, then realises it's probably because he's still waiting for an answer to the question that he has never really asked properly.

In his heart, Taehyung has definitely drifted closer to wanting marriage, in fact, if he's entirely honest with himself, he wants it. But since everything changed and the pressure to get married disappeared with Layla, Taehyung can't help but to wonder if it's still something that Jungkook would actually want to do -since he didn't want to get married in the first place either.

It's strange really, how one can change over the course of a few months. During this time, Taehyung has become one with his wolf and his personality, as a result, has softened considerably. He has found a happy medium between his dominant man and his submissive wolf. He has lost some of his harshness and assertiveness and is now much more prone to bouts of shyness. He is still confident and outspoken with his opinions... until it comes to marriage. Even the thought of approaching the Alpha to talk about it has Taehyung in absolute flusters.

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