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Even in the middle of the day, the whole industrial estate is entirely deserted, there is not a soul in sight. At one point, the area used to be full of various smaller factories, distribution and recycling facilities but when a space with better transport connections was found elsewhere, everything dwindled until there was nothing left.

At the far end of the massive estate, there stands a pitiful building, hiding behind the larger ones. Only one other vehicle is parked outside unit 42, which is Taehyung's destination. He doesn't feel even a modicum of surprise over the fact that it is the same car Layla drove to his house the last time she paid a visit -with her threats in tow.

He parks the car and fearless, Taehyung steps in through the small door attached to the large, lifting garage door. Small windows that line the very top of the walls are the only source of light so the space is filled with murky gloom.

"Hello?" Taehyung calls. There is no point in being quiet or trying to surprise Layla because anyone within a mile's radius would have heard Taehyung arrive with the sound of the car splitting the lifeless silence. "Jungkook?" Every cell in Taehyung's body is begging, pleading for his Alpha to be alright.

The tightness inside Taehyung's throat coils tighter the more he tries not to cry until there is just a tight ball sitting where air should travel.

He's terrified, never before has he felt such utter, all-consuming terror... not even on the dark beach that feels like eons ago...

Taehyung knew the plan would work, he just didn't expect Layla to be so efficient and organised about it. With the way Layla has always been after Taehyung, it was obvious a marriage would be a real trigger for her and she would come running, being all territorial over "her" Omega.

Unease creeps further into Taehyung's bones the deeper into the dark structure he ventures. His clothes feel too tight, he can't breathe. He undoes a shirt button or two and takes off his tie, shoving it into his trouser pocket.

He feels dread and hope in equal measure when there is a subtle glow of light at the far end of the dingy building. Candle light.

There is no way to be prepared for such a sight because it makes no sense.

The very first thing Taehyung sees is Jungkook with a bloody brow and a gagged mouth, sitting with his gorgeous suit crumpled by the rope tying him to a chair. In front of him, there is a coffee table which is lit by a cluster of candles and set neatly for an afternoon tea for two... but perhaps the weirdest part of the whole thing is that the size of the chair, table and the tea set is more suitable for a child than an adult.

"Jungkook." Taehyung gasps and immediately Layla's strange figure turns to him.

She sits opposite Jungkook like some scrawny mannequin from a horror film, dressed in an old wedding dress with puffy princess sleeves and a long veil trailing down her back. There is so much fabric billowing around her that Taehyung can't even see her chair.

Not a single thing is right with this image and the flickering candle light makes it even weirder. The woman's dark makeup is smudged all around her eyes as if she's been crying her eyes out and it makes her seem all the more sinister.

"Taehyung, my lovely, you made it. I'm so glad." She speaks in warm welcome.

She pours another tiny cup of tea. Taehyung can tell even from where he stands that it's just water and that it's clearly cold because it spills all over Layla's fingers and the pathetic table. Layla doesn't seem to notice -or care. She spoons out sugar from an obviously empty little pot and swirls it into the water with great precision, with her little pinkie pointing out in a graceful pose.

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