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"Darling!" Mrs Jeon calls upstairs to Jungkook.

He steps onto the landing and leans over the glass parting. "Yes, mother?"

Jungkook thinks she looks tired. Her skin is tight across her face and for the first time in a while, she actually looks her age.

"We have called an emergency pack meeting..."

"OK, hang on, let me grab my jacket."

"No, no. Jungkook. You're staying here." The tone is so reminiscent of Jungkook's teenage years that he can't help but to joke.

"Oh no, am I grounded?"

The serious face softens. "No darling, but we felt you'd be safer here."

"We? Is Dad awake?" His tone is hopeful although he knows it's still touch and go.

But mother's face falls. "No darling, he's still the same. One of the senior Alphas is there to guard him and also to call me if anything changes." Jungkook runs down the stairs.

Recognising the stubborn set of his son's jaw, Mrs Jeon lifts a hand to the Alpha's cheek.

"I need to come with you, mother. I'm the Alpha next-in-line, it's my duty, you know that. Are you even able to...?" He stops when his mother's sharp eyes flick to his.

"I never thought I'd see the day that you patronise your own mother. I have been to every single meeting your father has ever run. I'm pretty sure I can cover it."

Jungkook pulls her close. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way, I'm just worried about you in a room full of Alphas... I feel like I should be there to protect you." He sighs.

"Don't worry darling, I'll take a few Alphas with me, they'll have my back. It'll be a small meeting without the Talbans." Mrs Jeon's voice tightens at the mention of the disgraced Alpha's pack.

Jungkook blurts it out before he thinks anything of it. "Do you know if Taehyung is going?" He tries to keep the excitement from his voice but going by the way his mother's lips purse, he fails.

"I told you Jungkook. Stay away from that Omega. He's nothing but trouble."

The meeting is held not far from The Jeon Residence.

These types of gatherings are rare these days, only called in the case of an emergency or a significant development in the wolf world and they are always neutral in nature. There are a few individual wolves, a few representatives of packs further away and both Mrs Jeon and Mrs Kim with some of their eldest Alphas in tow. Mr Kim is taking care of the refreshments.

The only pack not invited is The Talbans, since they are the issue under discussion. They are almost always under discussion because The Talban Pack is the only pack to ever cause trouble -and were the very pack to cause the original rift between all the packs in the area when Layla's parents were still alive.

"Hi everyone and thanks for coming, I'm sorry for the short notice." Mrs Jeon speaks loudly and without hesitation in a room full of Alphas. She nods and smiles to acknowledge a few faces she has not seen in years.

When her eyes stop at Mrs Kim, her face cools considerably.

"I also have to apologise for my husband's absence, he is in the hospital after being poisoned." Murmurs fill the room, the shock on Mrs Kim's face is palpable. "The poison was meant for my son. There is reason to believe that Layla Talban is the culprit." Mrs Kim doesn't understand why Taehyung never mentioned it. It's a serious matter too close to home yet he never said anything about it.

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