page twenty four

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For that rest of the day, Vincent stayed home. His tears dry, his screams silent, and his wine issued. All he did was sit by the fireplace that no longer burned bright orange.
That's when he decided to lumber out of the Victorian and take a walk where Peter and him always did during the month of November.
Vincent's wanderlust had faded, he wanted to wander with Peter. But Vincent just walked in the direction they did most days to a cliff.  They could see the views of barren land and tall dead trees.
Once Vincent had made it to the edge of the precipice, he hollered and screamed.
He cursed,
he cursed for his mother, he cursed for his father. He cursed for the painter, he cursed for his elementary days. He cursed for people who lived life without having to hide every part of of who they were. 
"World, tell me what I have done to deserve this?"
He fell to his knees, it almost had felt like the wind was going to capture him, take him down to hell where Peter was now living.
"Take me to hell, if that's the a risk I have to take to see my lover again, take me to hell!"
He cursed once more, for the sons and their fathers who would have to live in exile if they ever loved a person who made them feel like a person.
Vincent cursed once more, for every boys laugher which was shattered time and time again. He cursed for the men with habits of drinking, a void filled for their missing love.
Because how can a man ever love a man, the same way a man loves a women?
Vincent and Peter; a clandestine love, a bittersweet hoax.
Their whispers never as wishful as a sweet con.

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