page five

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The last place Peter could think is that maybe Vincent was at his house.
The sun was below the horizon but the last bit of life it had was still glowing on the narrow ends of the street.
It wasn't completely dark yet. His father would be proud of him.
He rushed quickly to his home, and when he opened his door he saw Vincent sitting on a rocking chair across from Peter's father, who was looking at Vincent with a death glare.
"Vincent?" Peter murmured with a soft voice.
"Come sit." His father demanded, pointing to a chair center to the fire place.
Peter sucked air through his teeth as he walked over to the chair, and before taking a seat, glanced over at Vincent, who's eyes seemed to have dilated with a glow.
This was something bad.
Peter could think of a hundred different things this could be about, but only one of them stuck out the most.
"So," his father set his beer down on the coffee table, "You two, what the hell is going on?"
Vincent's hands shake while rested on his knees, his head faced down. Vincent was never a person of confrontation, he would avoid conflict anywhere he went, though for some odd reason couldn't avoid this one.
"What do you mean father?"
Peter's father scoffed and gazed at the two boys with disbelief.
"Will I not have a son who is homosexual! You don't think people see you fools playing around in the fields! do you? Well they do! It is disgusting and I forbid you to see each-other any longer!" He pointed his finger to Vincent, who's on the verge of tears, "Get out of my house!"
Vincent looked up and his eyes welled with tears, he turned his head to Peter. Both boys said nothing, they already knew what each-other was thinking.
Their eyes said what their mouths cannot, and that's what was beautiful. But as their facade weakened, we sooner realize the most beautiful things are broken.
Vincent stood up and slowly made his way to the front door, and before leaving looked back at Peter, who was staring at the fire, wishing he was made of ashes. Peter heard the door slam as Vincent walked out. That's when he decided to rush to his room to leave his father be.
Maybe that's why Peter's dad never accepted him, he was lonely.
Most times hatred comes from isolation. Peters dad was a perfect example.

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