page nine

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The day after, Peter and Vincent hadn't spoken to each-other, publicly at least, for the whole day. They did their chores and by sun down the only words that were exchanged were of what their eyes said to one-another.
Peter knew, even though it killed him in a million different ways, their love could never be seen. They'd either be killed or imprisoned.

Vincent knew the same thing, but wasn't as scared as death like Peter was. To him, being killed for loving someone was utterly stupid and he's right. Vincent would've sacrificed himself every time just so the world would know about their love.
The most gruesome killing wouldn't scare him.
The boys saw it as hard-to-locate entries and faraway walkways. There was only one path to get to where they want. But everywhere they went to escape, someone could've seen them. So the clandestine kisses and the stolen glances that felt like they put themselves up on a pedestal to get shot at were for nothing. Because no longer could the tall grass hide their secrets and the dead trees hold their sins no more. The whispers of the wind had faded away.

Peter went straight home that night even though he didn't want to. He hated his father and wanted nothing to do with him. He was upset at first, his father was the only person of family he had, but he questioned himself,
"How can family hurt one another like they do? How can family betray one another like they do? How can your family hate you?"
This time it wasn't the wind which whispered, it was Vincent,
"That's how you know family can be made from anyone, not just blood."
And it had struck Peter cold.
He wanted more than ever to kiss Vincent but he couldn't.
Peter stared at himself in the mirror, he wanted to hate his reflection but he couldn't. They do say your face is the face of someone you loved before. Peter wanted the mirror to fall to pieces so it couldn't look at him with shame anymore, and the shattered bits would no longer glisten with his own flagellation. Peter needed Vincent, but it is hard to love someone when it seems like everyone is throwing their swords and crosses in your maze. It was all of Peter's prevarications which lead him to view a false world where ambiguity was bright. As he got older, the world became less bright and deep with hatred.

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