page twenty three

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Vincent untied the rope securing Peters neck, he fell into Vincent's arms.
If only Peter was alive, their words of honey would be so bitter,
"I wish I said I loved you back." Sniffles Peter.
He carried Peter back into the city, everyone was awake looking out their windows.
An old women and her grandchildren came out,
"Oh, my dear! What ever happened?"
All Vincent could do was shrug his shoulders.
The sun was slowly approaching.
The city people circled around Vincent with Peter in his arms.
In death is when empathy is shown, only in death and in tears.

Another women came and covered Peters bare body with a layer of muslin.
A father and his sons approached Vincent and Peter, he hugged Vincent's weeping body and knelt down to Peters deceased body and prayed.
Some people were shocked, distraught, and some didn't care.
It was a city after all.
Vincent looked around, the painter not in sight. Vincent was wordless, he had nothing to say. The world had failed him just like he was seventeen again.
Another women and her children confronted Vincent,
"Let me help." She took Peter's body into her hands,
"A proper burial will be held this afternoon." She smiled a warm smile. In this women, Vincent saw his mother. A caring women, a loving, beautiful woman.
"Thank you." Vincent muttered, his eyes rheumy.

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