Chapter 41 - Too bad it's too late for us

Start from the beginning

''No. she's dating my brother.''

''Well, yeah, but things change, right?" I nod. Do things actually change? I can't seem to change my feelings for her, so could this possibly be true?

"Look, I think you two should talk, for real. Not the crap you call having a conversation. You two have a serious communication issue."

Yeah, I guess we do.

Which makes me wonder, what did she want to tell me that day? Was it that she likes me? I thought she was going to say they broke up, but if they are still together, then I don't know.

If she likes me, why the fuck is she dating him? That makes no sense.

"She won't talk to me anyway, not after what I said."

"Whatever you said, just apologize, it's that simple."

Anna sounds a lot like Lilly and I consider what she said.

''I think it's a bit too late for us.'' I say, honestly.

Anna sighs and takes a step forward to give me a hug, that makes me freeze in place.

"I'll miss your stubborn ass when we go to college." I can't help but smile.

For someone who never had many friends, I seem to have the best ones.

"Now go fix it. It's not too late, just stop being an idiot."

She's right, I am being an idiot. Could I fix it though?

I wish I could go back in time and tell Alex about my feelings a long time ago. Even if all she could see was Dylan, I would have gotten this out of my chest and worked around it, not letting my crush turn into so much more.

You know what? I need to talk to Lilly. She's been my sounding board through all of this, even when she drives me completely crazy.

After Anna and I part ways, I get on my jeep to go home. I promised my mom I would help her with some shit or whatever, so talking to Lilly will have to wait, much to my dislike.

All I know is that I'll be stressing over this the entire day.


It's too late when I go to Lilly's house. Helping my mom was torture. Not only did it take way longer than expected, she kept asking me a bunch of questions about how I'm feeling, because I look like a nervous wreck. Her words, not mine.

I dodged every single question, but she knows me too well and was even trying asking about Alex, but I didn't even let her finish the question, so she didn't push.

I always thought she didn't know how I feel about Alex, but after today, I think she does.

I park the car in front of Lilly's house and I take a moment to collect my thoughts. I pass my hand through my hair, frustration still much alive in me.

I can't knock on her door like a normal person, because it's past eleven and I don't know her parents that well, so I do what any teenager does.

I round the house to climb her window, which is harder than it looks, because well, I'm not athletic.

I knock on the window and wait for her to see me. Maybe she'll be scared because I just climbed the side of her house and she's definitely not expecting to see me here.

As I imagined, the moment she realizes I'm outside her room, she widens her eyes and takes her hand to her heart, as if I scared her to death.

''What the hell are you doing here?'' Lilly opens the window and looks at me, as if I lost my mind. Well, maybe I have. ''Are you ok?''

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