On our way to the city

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We are on our way to Manchester. We are facing Manchester City in the last game before international breaks.
I'm sitting next to Leah and she's already asleep on my shoulder. (we literally just took off how can she be a sleep already)
I have my headphones on listening to music when I see Beth making faces from the other side of the plane. I mouth back to her "what do you want"
*She points to her phone*
I check my phone and see that she has sent me a lot of texts.

Texting with Beth:
Beth - Y/n
Beth - Hallo
Beth - answer me
Beth - 😔
Y/n - what do you want?
Beth - hi to you too
Y/n - Beth?
Beth - hang on
Beth - what's going on with you and Leah?

I look over at Leah to see if she's still asleep and she is. (What do I answer?)

Y/n - nothing what do you mean?
Beth - really? Nothing she looks pretty comfortable over there.
Y/n - I have that effect on people.
Beth - haha yeah to make people fall asleep fast 😂
Y/n - rude.
Beth - well if you need to talk to someone I'm always here for you❤️
Y/n - thanks Beth I'm here for you too❤️

I put my phone down and can feel myself slowly falling asleep as well.
After a long time Leah starts tapping my shoulder and tries to talk to me i still have my headphones in so I don't hear her so she takes on of the headphones out.
Y/n - what (tired)
Leah - we are about to land so you need to wake up.
Y/n - oh okay (continues to sleep)
Leah - Y/n! (Yells and laughs)
You wake up when Leah says your name.
Y/n - I'm up!
Leah - yeah sure you are, now put you're seatbelt on and stay awake. (still giggling)
Y/n - okay mom (rolls you're eyes at her)
You buckle up and the plane starts going down. During the landing it gets a bit turbulent so you close you're eyes scared trying not to panic.
Leah noticed that you are scared and puts her hand on your thigh you then puts your hand on hers.
Leah - it's okey it's almost over (whispers to you)
Y/n - mmm
Is all you can answer.
Finally the plane lands and you can relax again.
As all of the players start getting up Leah takes her hand off your thigh and away from you. She starts fixing with her bag and things.
Leah - hey Katie wait up! (She yells)
Leah makes her way fast away from you and goes to Katie. Leaving you without another word.
That is so weird what just happened?

The team checks in at a hotel in Manchester you are staying one night before the game and then going straight home after. All the players shares rooms two and two just like we did at training camp.
I wonder who I'm sharing with this time.

I walk with Lotte and Beth to the elevator and it's seems like we are at the same floor but not the same room. I say good night to them and make my way into the hotel room and see.

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