Start of something new

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You tap on Leah shoulder and she turn around.
Leah - Hi you must be my new rommie.
Y/n - Hi yes that's me (says in a nervous way)
Leah - okey let's grab our bags and get going to the room.
Y/n - yeah let's go.
You both make your way to the room and talks on the way.
Y/n - So congrats on winning the euros.
Leah - thank you so much. It was something else I tell you that.
Y/n - I bet I can't imagine what it must feel like.
Leah - best feeling in the world, so what position do you play?
Y/n - I play left wing but can play strike as well
Leah - nice we could really need a good striker and playmaker.

You and Leah get to your room.
You both starts to unpack and keep on getting to know each other and talk about everything.

Y/n - what do you think Leah time for dinner?
Leah - yeah let's go.

You make your way down to eat and you follow Leah and sits with her and she introduces you to the rest of the girls at the table.

Beth - Hi Y/n!
Katie - Hi so let's get to know the newbie shall we.
Y/n - Haha okey let's go.
Katie - how old are you?
Y/n - 23 turning 24 in may.
Lia - do you have any siblings?
Y/n - yes one younger brother that always gets on my nerves.

( Leah trying not to laugh because she relates)
Leah - tell me about it they can be so annoying.
Viv - where are you from?
Y/n - Kingston in London so not so far.
Caitlin - how about family or relationship?
Y/n - single and ready to mingle. And I have a dad my mom past away when I was younger.
Caitlin - oh sorry for asking.
Y/n - it's okey it was a long time ago I never really got to know her. Just have a few memories and some photos and videos that my dad took.

Beth tries to change the mood with a different question.

Beth - so who was your first ever crush?
Y/n - easy Zac Efron I love high school musical and I'm not even embarrassed by it I have watched it so many times.
Beth - okey slow down remind me to never talk bad about that with you.
( you give Beth a death stare)
All the other girls laugh.
Y/n - I think that I'm gonna go to bed now I got so tired from all these questions. (fake yawns)
Leah - wait up I'll join you, bye girls

Everyone - Byeee

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