🟥27| quiet

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Your eyes fluttered open when you woke up the next morning

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Your eyes fluttered open when you woke up the next morning.

Kibutsuji was lying down with his eyes closed soundly. He wasn't sleeping. Demons didn't need sleep. He was relaxing in silence. His body was covered up to his waist and his bare chiselled chest was in plain sight of your eyes.

His black hair was spread out along the bed and his face seemed relaxed as he lay peacefully beside you.

You couldn't help but smile at the scenery.

It was a sound experience.

You had enjoyed your night together.

You had wanted to spend more than just the evening with him and your wish had been granted not only without you asking, but with something beyond your imagination.

Your lower area still felt a bit sore but it was only a reminder of his love for you, and how your night had been.

You reached your hand out to play with his hair and you gave a sigh of comfort as you did. His eyes snapped open at once.

"You're awake," he spoke softly.

A blush appeared on your face upon seeing his eyes open, "Muzan."

You bowed your head a bit and brought it back up slowly and were met with a peck on the forehead from your lover.

You smiled and his hand skimmed your cheek.

He was thoroughly pleased with you. His favour for you had doubled overnight and he hadn't even known that was possible.

"Hm," he said his eyes looking into yours.

He pressed his lips against yours before speaking, "You're beautiful."

You blushed in response.

He smiled gently reaching his hand to skim your cheek a bit longer.

"And what would my Lily like to do with me today?"

You blinked a few times before smiling.

"You're going to stay with me through the day?"

He gave a nod, "I intend to dedicate my day to you. I'll depart at night."

You crawled over closer to him. You laid your head on his bare chest as you snuggled into his warmth. His hand instinctively made its way to the back of your head stroking it gently.

"I don't have much I want...," you thought of the presents he had given you with a slight smile, "you already spoiled me rotten last night."

You thought of other things causing you to bite your lip, "And you spoiled me in bed too."

He gave a dark chuckle, "Your thoughts aren't so innocent anymore, are they?"

You buried your face into his neck. He smirked at the contact of your bare bodies against each other. He quite liked this.

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