10| festival

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Bright flashing lights, beautiful summer smiles, and lots of commotion all around; the noble festival was finally here

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Bright flashing lights, beautiful summer smiles, and lots of commotion all around; the noble festival was finally here.

In all honesty, Kibutsuji didn't even know why he was attending. Sure, he had been pressured to come to the festival by his fellow clan members, but since when did he ever listen to them?

He found himself in a situation he really didn't want to be in with almost no good way to get out.

He had only attended for about thirty minutes, coming late on purpose, and still, he was ready to depart.

The loud noise of people talking and scurrying around him was irritating. The fact he was being bumped into and could hardly have his own personal space bothered him.

He generally disliked social settings. He found that they were good for nothing. He disliked talking with people. He disliked looking at people. He disliked moving around too much. He wanted to leave, and so, he decided to do just that.

He walked slowly towards the exit, careful to avoid anyone he knew. He hated formalities. He didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Did you see (Y/N), she's here, she's my future fiancé."

Kibutsuji came to a grinding halt.

What had he just heard?

Fiance? (Y/N)? He didn't like the combination of those two words in the same sentence. Unless, of course, they were related to him.

"Stop joking around, she prefers me, she'd never like you."

His head slowly turned to where the voices were coming from which was on his left. His eyes landed a small open sitting area with three men sitting at it. He debated continuing to walk but the context of their conversation was compelling him to say. Even just the name of (Y/N) being spoken by other men so freely made him feel some type of way.

"She's not interested in any of you," the third man said, "I heard she likes another."

Kibutsuji walked deeper into a crowd of people but kept his ear to the conversation.

"I heard she likes Lord Kibutsuji."

One of them burst out laughing.

Kibutsuji's eyes narrowed.

"You mean the walking corpse? She doesn't like him. Even if she did, her father would never allow it."

Kibutsuji heard the words that were spoken about him and his red eyes widened.

What had he just heard?

Was that really what they thought?

Kibutsuji's eyes filled with anger. He had never noticed until now, was it possible that the people around him saw him as weak? 'A walking corpse?'

He silently stormed away from the scenery as anger bubbled inside of him.

The words repeated in his mind over and over until he found himself frowning, the features on his face darkening considerably. There was nothing he hated more than being reminded of the thing he already thought about every day. Death.

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