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"I apologize for the intrusion

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"I apologize for the intrusion."

He shook his head, "There's no need."

You sat at his table looking up at him as he made his way to sit in front of you. It was strange. Now that you were alone with him, the evening seemed to be getting better. Your mind was beginning to forget the horror of what had just happened and was replaying the events that happened at the festival. Your lips were still tingling from the feel of his kisses earlier, you desired more.

A man and woman alone at night together, with no supervision. This night was turning into something else.

"You kissed me," you spoke.

"I did," he responded casually.

You blushed.

He smirked.

"Tell me, Lily was I your first?"

"Yes my lord. You're my first for a lot of things...my first ally, the first person I held hands with, my first kiss."

Your heart pounded in your chest as Kibutsuji could only sit there smirking.

You were shocked. You were just crying and frustrated, but being with him now had calmed you so quickly it was ridiculous. He was also staying away from asking you what happened, which you appreciated.

' I'll listen if you want to talk. If not, I won't ask.'

His words had comforted you.

"Just stay the entire night with me. I'll give you a sublime experience."

You blushed heavily, "As long as we don't end up doing...anything."

"Do anything?" his voice was amused and turned criminally seductive, "And what such actions are you referring to?"

You blushed even more chewing your cheek not daring to answer. You averted your eyes from him feeling a bit flustered.

He leaned closer to you placing his finger under your chin pushing it up forcing you to look at him.

Your whole face turned red and Kibutsuji couldn't help but revel in amusement.

You were simply adorable. It was too bad he had no intentions of doing anything of that sort tonight.

He had other plans in mind.

Suddenly, he extended his hand to you out of nowhere.

You didn't ask why. You didn't hesitate. You just took it. You loved when he offered you his hand. You loved the warmth and feel of him. You loved his assertiveness and drive.

He lifted you up on your feet and lead you deeper into his room. You walked behind him as he guided you, your face blushing the entire time.

It was then that you saw something you had never noticed. There was a slide door in the corner of his room.

lily | muzan kibutsujiWhere stories live. Discover now