🟦19| epilogue

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Kibutsuji wasn't sure if he was allowed to be so happy.

There was something lying on his chest and it wasn't you.

It was something much smaller, rounded and chubby, with bright wide wonder-filled eyes and the cutest smile. It was slobbering all over him and he didn't mind it because when she giggled his whole world lit up.

It was his daughter. The daughter you had given him.

She was lying on his chest as his hands carried her ever so carefully. She was now nearing five months and she was more than a handful.

As she looked up at him with her wide looming eyes she smiled brightly snuggling into her fathers chest.

Kibutsuji didn't know how to feel like, this new found happiness was in sharp contrast to how he had felt years ago. It had been seven whole years since your marriage and six years of him being in full health.

So much had changed since then, his life seemed to be completely different then how he thought it would be.

He was now a father of two.

His eldest child, was a four year old boy who seemed to resemble him completely and his youngest was a carbon copy of you.


Could one ask for a better wife?

You had changed him completely. He was able to smile because of you, he had two children because of you and his heart fully belonged to you.

If there was ever such a thing as perfection, besides him, it would be you.

Thinking of you made him wonder about your whereabouts, where was his beloved anyway?

He hadn't seen you all morning.

When he woke up he wandered the estate trying to find you and it was to no avail. He figured perhaps you had gone out somewhere but seeing that you weren't back made him feel uneasy.

He decided he would go look for you again.

Carrying his youngest in his arms, Kibutsuji wandered his compound. He looked through multiple rooms and walked multiple hallways until a specific window seemed to heed something significant.

He could see Nao standing in the distance, over the years he had recognized her as someone you trusted and your right hand woman-seeing her over there must have meant you had to be somewhere nearby.

He headed outside at once to go see you and upon making it out, he realized you were in the field of lilies you had planted in his garden.

He approached Nao who stood a bit away from you and spoke, "Give us some space," he spoke simply.

She nodded before bowing.

You weren't facing him.

You sat in the middle of grass as you watched the lilies flurry in the wind. He continued approaching you slowly as your sweet vanilla scent became apparent you and your hair scurried with the breeze.

Letting his little girl on the ground for just a second he sat on the grass behind you before wrapping his arms around you feeling you stiffen intensely. You relaxed soon after seeing his face and feeling his soft kisses.

"M-Muzan," you spoke as you felt your cheeks warm up.

He smirked, admiring the fact he could still make you flustered after seven years of marriage.

"M-Muzan, we're not alone!"

Muzan blinked. He made eye contact with his son.

Looking ahead at the little boy he realized his son had just seen a blatant display of attraction which caused him to have quite the confused expression. Muzan didn't care in the slightest.

lily | muzan kibutsujiWhere stories live. Discover now