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The next few days after the comet was, hectic, to say the least. It was obvious now that Azula had been removed from the line of the throne that Zuko would become the Firelord, but once everyone returned. And Ozai was jailed, and preparations were made.

And when the news of Zuko's true presentation spread, the whole Team Avatar was shocked by the reactions they were given by the citizens of the Fire Nation. Many were furious that Zuko had been banished in the first place and that he should have been treated with proper care. Zuko tried his best not to blush at those reactions.

And others were relieved that Zuko wasn't an Alpha like all the past Firelord's. Thankful that a calm and clear-headed man would be taking the throne instead of some hotheaded and impulsive Alpha.

But first, the entire Team Avatar slept for nearly an entire day.

But as the day of Zuko's coronation arrived, the man was already losing his mind.

Zuko groaned as he tried to put on the Firelord robes, his injury making the entire process painful in more ways than one.

"You need some help with that?" Mai questioned as she appeared in Zuko's doorway, the man turned quickly and smiled brightly at his friend.

"Mai! You're okay! They let you out of prison?" Zuko smiled as Mai came forward and helped her friend put on his robes.

"My uncle pulled some strings. And it doesn't hurt when the new Fire Lord is your best friend, and not to mention when the leader of the most elite warriors of the Earth Kingdom is your mate." Mai chuckled while Zuko gawked at the statement.

"Suki is your mate?!" Zuko shouted while Mai nodded.

"How did you guys figure that out?" Zuko snickered.

"We both felt something when we first met. Then when she was escorting me back to the Fire Nation from prison. So, now I have a girlfriend." Mai smirked while Zuko smiled and nodded.

"So does this mean you don't hate me anymore?" Zuko questioned hopefully.

"I think it means we're still best friends, as always." Mai smiled as she hugged Zuko. The man happily returned the gesture.

"But don't ever do some stupid shit like that again!" Mai commanded while Zuko grins nervously before they hug again.

"Mai, I don't think you can threaten the Firelord." Suki laughed while Mai rolled her eyes at the Alpha.

"He's not the Firelord to me or you, we are the exceptions," Mai smirked while Zuko laughed and nodded.

"It's true." The Omega shrugged while Suki laughed and hugged Zuko.

"I'm proud of you brother. No one is more deserving of this." Suki praised as she squeezed Zuko's shoulder reassuringly.

"Thank you, Suki. But I feel like I'm going to be sick!" Zuko groaned while Mai moved to allow Zuko to lean on her while Suki patted his back gently.

"It'll be okay, now we have to go, but you might or might not have a broken-legged idiot coming your way in a few minutes." Suki chuckled while Zuko snickered and rolled his eyes.

Zuko sighed as the two women left, leaving him to finish getting dressed. Only to turn when he heard the tapping of a crutch against the floor.

"Zuko! There you are!" Sokka grinned as he came up beside his boyfriend, the two kissed for a moment before they both leaned against the railing of the balcony, overlooking the city.

"Are you ready to become Firelord?" Sokka questioned as he gently adjusted Zuko's engagement necklace, making sure that the stone was fully visible.

"Not really, but what else is there to do?" Zuko sighed while the Alpha kissed his temple.

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