Chapter III

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Zuko would normally say he was a patient man, Suki, and the rest of the Kyoshi island natives had helped him get over a great deal of his past lashing out tendencies after they had accepted him into their town as a family.

But this.

This was a new kind of aggravation that Zuko had not had to deal with in the past four years. So, the man was a bit rusty when it came to not only dealing with it in a calm manner but also making sure he didn't die in the process.

Let's start at the beginning.

|Earlier that same day|

When Zuko looked up into the sky one day as he was cleaning the deck on his ship, he was sure he was experiencing a heat stroke when he saw what looked like a boy jump off of a flying furry cow and into the water.

And he was especially sure he had surely lost his sanity when he saw said boy riding the elephant koi. While the flying furry cow landed with two other people getting off of it. Though the two seemed to be waving him down as if trying to get him to come ashore.

Though when the 19-year-old saw the Unagi chasing after the boy. He knew why.

(Who the hell are these people?! Why do they have a flying furry cow?! How the fuck am I going to tell Suki without getting spotted?!) Zuko thought to himself as he looked out over the railings on his ship, watching the three as the boy seemingly walked on water and ran back ashore, crashing into the other male while the girl seemed to glare in the direction of his cruiser.

(Shit! Did they see me?! Wait why the fuck am I getting worried?! I have a battle cruiser! And canons!) Zuko thought as he slowly peaked back over the railings, only to yell when a large wave came crashing into his ship, throwing him over the side as the boat itself rocked violently, nearly tipping over.

Which catches us up on the events of this morning.

"What the fuck-," Zuko muttered as he looked up, only to see the three strangers standing in front of him in what he guessed were their battle stances. The water tribe girl was bending water, and due to her exposed shoulder, Zuko could see she was a Beta, while the man in similar water tribe clothing reared a boomerang and the mark on his jaw showed that he was an Alpha, and the second boy with strange tattoos on his head stood at the ready with a wooden staff, the mark on his jaw revealing he too was an Alpha.

(Water tribe? And a water bender? Also, what the hell is up with this kid and the tattoos?) Zuko thought as he stood, his knees groaning in pain from having fallen off of his ship and into the water face first.

"Who are you?! And what are you doing on this Island?!" The strange Alpha with tattoos shouted while Zuko merely snarled as he sent a wave of fire at the three, forcing them all to jump back to avoid the flames as he made a dead sprint back to the village.

(The one fucking time I choose to willingly clean my ship I get attacked by some water tribe weirdos and a kid with tattoos!) Zuko thought as he continued to run, despite the loud footsteps that seemingly drew closer to him. And despite his better judgment, Zuko looked behind him and saw that it was the water tribe man that was chasing him, where the other two had gone, Zuko had no clue.

Though the Alpha wasn't chasing Zuko for much longer as Suki jumped out from behind him and tackled him to the ground, a burlap sack being thrown over the water tribe man's head as he shouted out in surprise, trying to fight off whoever it was that was blinding him. Only to be pinned to the ground easily, a few of the other Kyoshi warriors then dragged the other two with them, explaining where they had disappeared to.

"You alright Zuko?" Suki asked as another warrior took the still struggling water tribe man.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Zuko muttered as he huffed at his own actions, a little ashamed in himself that he had chosen to run instead of fight.

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