Chapter VII

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A bright blue sky, the sun shining. Only to reveal a red Fire Nation flag waving in the wind. The Earth Kingdom city of Omashu had been captured by the Fire Nation. A bold red flag bearing the Fire Nation insignia is proudly hung; gray plumes of smoke fill the air surrounding the fallen city.

"I can't believe it. I know the War has spread far, but Omashu always seemed... untouchable." Aang stated sadly.

"Up until now, it was. Now Ba Sing Se is the only great Earth Kingdom stronghold left." Sokka growled as he crossed his arms over his chest, angered at the very sight of the red flags waving in the wind.

"This is horrible, but we have to move on." Katara breathed as she strode over to Aang's side, squeezing his shoulder gently.

"No, I'm going in to find Bumi." Aang declared.

"Aang, stop. We don't even know if Bumi's still..." Sokka started as he reached out to grab the younger Alpha, though he trailed off when he saw Aang's expression morph into that of anger.

"What? If he's still what?" Aang questioned angrily.

"A-Around..." Sokka muttered unsurely.

"I know you had your heart set on Bumi, but there are other people who can teach you earthbending," Katara reassured while Aang shook his head.

"This isn't about finding a teacher. This is about finding my friend." Aang stated firmly.

"I'm with Aang on this." Zuko chimed in as he hid half of his face with his hair, while the rest of his long locks were allowed to fall loose over his shoulders. A scarf covered his lower face.

"Zuko!" Sokka and Katara both shouted while the Omega shook his head and placed his hand on Aang's shoulder while the boy looked at him appreciatively.

"We're not letting the Fire Nation get away with this. Now, what do we need to do Aang?" Zuko questioned while Aang smiled determinedly.

Though below Omashu's gate where Aang is attempting to open the entrance to a secret tunnel, the other three watch him skeptically.

"A secret passage? Why didn't we just use this last time?" Sokka questioned while Aang opens the tunnel, revealing it to be filled with sewage.

"Ugh!" Sokka shouted.

"That answer your question?" Aang questioned while the other three gagged slightly.

The group proceeds through the tunnel to the inside of Omashu. Aang conjures an air ball with his staff to clear the path while Katara uses waterbending to maneuver the sewage carefully around her. Though Zuko uses firebending to evaporate the foul liquid before it could touch either him or Sokka.

"That wasn't as bad as I thought." Katara shrugged.

Though Sokka and Zuko emerge with three pentapi attached to both of them while the two only then notice. Sokka immediately tries to yank the pentapox off of him and Zuko, only to realize the creatures wouldn't let go "Ahh! They won't let go! Help!" Sokka shouts while Zuko quickly covers his mouth as Aang runs forward.

"Shh! Stop making so much noise. It's just a purple pentapus." As Sokka watches, Aang shushes as Aang removes the first pentapus by lightly rubbing its head. Zuko rubbed his arm where the creature had been attached as Aang did the same for Sokka. He does the same procedure to get the second one off of both of the men. Several guards suddenly approach them as Aang takes the third one off.

"Hey! What are you kids doing out past curfew?" One of the guards shouts.

"Sorry. We were just on our way home." Katara mumbled as the groups turn and walk away, Sokka bringing up the rear. The guard notices the red welts on the back of Sokka's neck.

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