Chapter IX

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Making it to Ba Sing Se was a long and honestly painful journey.

Having Toph on the team did make things a lot easier, especially since she taught Aang Earthbending. But there were one too many close calls. Azula nearly found out who Zuko was when she, Ty Lee, and Mai were tracking the Team. Which forced Zuko to have to go under the fake name of Lee.

Not his choice.

It was Sokka's.

Not to mention when they found the spirit library, Appa was stolen, Zuko got kidnapped by sand benders, and Aang and Sokka both lost their shit for two days.

Thankfully, they got Zuko back. But Appa was sold and most likely in Ba Sing Se.

Once making it to Moon Bay, they ran into Suki who ended up coming with them when they ended up having to go through the serpent's path to make it to Ba Sing Se along with a pregnant woman and her family, where Zuko and Katara had to help deliver her baby, while Sokka fainted.

And once more, they ran into Azula, having to take down a ginormous drill that nearly destroyed the great wall of Ba Sing Se. And now, they finally were within the walls of the great city. And they had a new team name.

"Look, the Inner Wall! I can't believe we finally made it to Ba Sing Se in one piece." Katara cheered as she pointed to the ginormous walls that surrounded the city.

"Hey, don't jinx it! We can still be attacked by some giant exploding Fire Nation spoon. Or find out the city's been submerged in an ocean full of killer shrimp!" Sokka warned while Zuko gave him an unimpressed look.

"You've been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph teased while Sokka glared at the girl, not having wanted to relive his strange time of the cactus juice that he still refused to tell Zuko about despite the man's many questions when one of the other three would bring it up.

"I'm just sayin', weird stuff happens to us." Sokka shrugs while a man, sucking a corn plant in his mouth, takes a seat between Zuko and Toph, startling them. Aang and Katara look out the windows, the former closing his eyes sadly.

"Don't worry Aang, we'll find Appa," Katara states sympathetically.

"It's such a big city." Aang sighs doubtfully.

"He's a giant bison! Where could someone possibly hide him?" Sokka questions somewhat optimistically.

Though as the monorail enters the Inner Wall. Sokka, Katara, Zuko, and Aang view the giant city through the windows. "Oh." Sokka sighs as he realizes just how large the city truly was.

The four notice that Ba Sing Se stretches almost as far as their eyes can see, and it has many roads and buildings. Their train enters the monorail station, stopping there. All of them disembark.

"Back in the city. Great." Toph cheers sarcastically while Zuko sighs along with her, not exactly thrilled to be back in such a large city.

"What's the problem? It's amazing!" Sokka shouts excitedly.

"It's just a bunch of walls and rules. You wait, you'll get sick of it in a couple of days." Toph shrugs while Zuko nods to Sokka.

Aang looks at the bison whistle in his palm and blows it.

"I'm comin' for ya, buddy," Aang whispers to himself while Katara walks over to the downtrodden Aang, and places her hand on his shoulder.

"He's here; I can feel it," Aang states confidently.

A woman with long dark hair that billows in the wind. She approaches them with a strange smile on her face once the monorail leaves.

"Hello, my name is Joo Dee! I have been given the great honor of showing the Avatar around Ba Sing Se. And you must be Sokka, Katara, Zuko, and Toph! Welcome to our wonderful city. Shall we get started?" Joo Dee states excitedly.

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