Chapter XXVII

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"More ferocious!" Zuko ordered as Aang drilled his firebending katas.

"Imagine you're striking through your opponent's heart!"

Aang let out a frustrated groan. "I'm trying!"

"Now let me hear you roar like a tiger-dillo!"

Aang let out a sound that was somehow closer to a roar, yet nowhere near it.

"That sounded pathetic!" Zuko commented.

"I said roar!"

Aang inhaled and roared. Fire shot out of his mouth and palms, earning a nod of approval from Zuko.

"Who wants a nice cool glass of watermelon juice?" Katara questioned.

Aang shot up and started running over to the waterbender, but Zuko grabbed hold of the back of his shirt before he reached her.

"Hey, your lesson isn't done yet." Zuko scolded.

"Come on Zuko, just take a break. What's the big deal?" Suki rolled her eyes.

"Fine." Zuko huffed, letting go of Aang who sprinted over to Katara.

"If you want to lounge like a bunch of snail sloths all day, then go ahead." Zuko waved the others off as he left, though Suki soon stood and followed after the man. Concerned for her 'brother'.

"Maybe Zuko's right." Sokka pointed out once the firebender and Suki had left.

"Sitting around the house has made us pretty lazy. But I know just the thing to change that!"

The whole Team Avatar went to the beach that day, except Zuko. No one had seen him since he left earlier, not even Suki knew where he went. The Omega paced around the house, thinking of the comet that soon approached, his father, his sister, his uncle, and that bastard of an Admiral that he knew if they were to fail, somehow, someway. He'd have to marry the Alpha. And that alone made him feel sick to his stomach.

Soon, he made up his mind and headed to the beach, finding Aang, Toph, and Sokka making sand sculptures. Aang's and Toph's were quite well made if Zuko was the judge. Though Sokka's... He chose to believe it had amazing character.

"Is that a..." Aang scratched the back of his head as he studied the sculpture that Sokka had created.

"Bolbbering blob monster?"

"No! It's Zuko!" Sokka scoffed.

Aang went still for a few seconds before he, Toph, and Suki burst out laughing. Zuko let out a silent chuckle, his face reddening slightly.

"We'll all understand if Zuko breaks up with you over this." Toph snickered.

(It's actually quite sweet.) Zuko smiled to himself before crouching low near the edge of the cliff, allowing him to peer over the group.

He jumped down from his spot, destroying the sculpture with one fire blast. Zuko cringed regretfully at the destruction of the sculpture, but he would dwell on it later. Aang let out a surprised shriek as he stumbled back. Zuko kept throwing fire punches at the Avatar, who dodged each one of them.

"What are you doing?" Aang cried out from behind Appa's sand statue.

"Teaching you a lesson," Zuko grunted, sending another fire blast his way.

Aang managed to get out from behind Appa's statue before it was blown up. Zuko kept throwing fire blasts at him, though being sure to avoid any that would actually harm the boy. As the young Alpha ran away, Zuko allowed him a few second's head-start before giving chase to the boy. They kept going on like this until the two ended up on the beach house rooftop.

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