"Don't tell me you're letting another Slytherin have access to the common room."

"This is just a one time thing." Marlene answered before turning towards Narcissa. "Do you mind?"

She blinked confused before realising the girl was asking her to block her ears.

The first thing she noticed was that the Gryffindor common room was very red and warm. The Slytherin common room was under the lake so it had a damp feeling to it even if the fireplace was lit. 

Whispers shot around the room, as soon as she stepped into the common  room. A girl walked up to them (excluding herself of course) and looked over at Narcissa, "What she doing here?" 

"Looking for Blossom." Molly told her. 

The girl stuck out her hand  with a smile, "I'm Alice Fortescue."  

"Narcissa Black." She  answered shaking her hand with a small smile.

Narcissa  drowned out their conversation trying to look for Asteria.

"She's over near the window." Dorcas whispered  leaning towards her slightly so she could hear.

Asteria sat cross-legged on a red couch whilst Sirius lay on a different couch opposite to the girl, staring at the ceiling and talking.

"Thanks." Narcissa replied, "I'll see you guys around?"

The girls nodded, she walked away before hearing Lily say "I see Potter, let's runaway before he sees me."


The girl looked at her  with surprise, "Narcissa!"

Sirius sat up confused, "How are you here?" 

"These girls invited me."

"So you know the Gryffindor password and we can't know the Slytherin one?" 

"I never heard it, I blocked my ears." 



"What are you doing here?" Asteria asked interrupting, 

"I need to talk to you." Narcissa  answered before glancing at  her cousin. "Alone."

"Wait for  your own turn Cissy." Sirius said annoyed, 

"You've taken more then thirty minutes now, so it is my go." Narcissa shot back glaring at him. 

"What for? Whoever your getting advice about is irrelevant because your going to end up with Malfoy anyway." He told her, anger shot through her veins because Florence  was not irrelevenant and that he is partially correct.

"I think you forget that she was my friend originally Sirius, why don't you hang out with your stupid friends?"  

Sirius opened his mouth to argue back but Asteria stopped him, "This seems kinda important, how about we'll meet up in the library tomorrow after dinner?  To be fair we've been hanging  out together for a lot longer then Cissy and I have."

"Fine." He said sourly as he stood up, "See you tomorrow." 

"See you."

Narcissa frowned why she would put up with  Sirius for that long, "Do you like him?" 

Asteria stared at her before letting a loud laugh, she stood up and started packing her stuff into her satchel. "Goodness no! Ew, firstly, secondly, I've kinda gotten a guy"  

Her jaw opened slightly in surprise, "What since when, who is it?" 

"Not telling." She answered with a teasing grin as she threw her satchel over her shoulder. 

Thankfully they left the Gryffindor common room because Narcissa was getting tired of the stares. Instead they sat in the library in a secluded area.

"So why were you so set on speaking to me today?" Asteria asked before lowering  her voice and leaning closer so then she could hear better, "Is it to do with Florence?" 

"What? How did you know?" 

"Do you think I  haven't noticed the tension between you two recently? Not sure what happened, but from what I heard from Florence, you were doing the ignoring?" 

"Wait Florence talked to you?"

"Yes but  I'm not telling you what she  said." Asteria answered knowing what she was thinking.

Narcissa stared at the table they were sitting at  sighing before looking back up, "Something happened between  her and I this one night and I think that caused me to feel sick."  

Asteria stared at her incredously causing her to bite her lip nervously. "Just tell me what happened that night." 

"We were like staring at each other and we were really close, this is going to sound disgusting but she... She was just so... beautiful and I wanted to feel her lips on mine." Narcissa spoke slowly her eyes drifting back to the table. "Her hand was like cupping the side of my face and it just felt so... I felt so... safe?"

"Narcissa look at me." Asteria said softly, she looked up, her brown eyes were laced with sadness.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked her  voice wobbled slightly.

"Its not disgusting to have feelings like that." 

"There are no feelings." Narcissa said sharply.

Asteria sighed, "When she's around you do your insides feel all weird and mushy?" 

"Yes, I just thought that was because I was sick."  

"Cissy... I think you like Florence"

Narcissa laughed loudly, "No way, she's a girl."  


"I'm a girl."


"That's wrong and abnormal." 

Asteria reached out to grab her hands, "Trust me, there is nothing wrong with it. Let's say that I hypothetically come out to you right now as I don't know... Bisexual? And I told you I had a girlfriend,  how would you react."

Narcissa paused before answering, "I wouldn't mind you having a girlfriend, I would think that you're being brave because you having a girlfriend is dangerous since not many people would like it."

"Exactly so you're ok with other same sex couples but not yourself  liking a girl?"

"Because in the end I'm  going to end up with Lucius so it doesn't really matter." 

"Are you ok with that?" 

"As long as it was someone who I don't mind its ok."

"Having a crush on Florence is ok, it doesn't change who you are or your future, the only thing that's different is that you like a girl, and thats perfectly normal."

"I suppose." Narcissa muttered, "But I still can't face her, especially now that I know its...  You know." 

Asteria nodded, "Thats alright. Why don't we talk about this tomorrow as well?"

"Ok sure." 

Narcissa smiled and for the first time in a while she's feeling reassured about herself.

authors note
Double update  because I ghosted this  fanfic for eight months

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