Chapter 21: Strange situation

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  As the second tick by, it became unbearable for her to her to hold. She tried let go of but it won’t budge no matter how she tried.

Unfortunately for her, she starts to hear footsteps. Her hand is burning all thanks to this weapon and her feet are suddenly rooted to the ground as she struggles, but anyways she was prepared for the worst.

Her fists were tight and her needles in sleeves were ready for attack.

But the aura in here is unusual, like as if the people coming are capable; capable of killing her.

Her heart pounded a little.
Still she was going to fight for her life. The footsteps draws closer like they were running just guard alerted.

But as soft as their footsteps were, she could still hear it. She has always had a good hearing.

  Footsteps grew louder, she was ready. Finally, the weapon disappeared leaving a mark on her hand. The pain dispersed almost immediately ; but her legs were rooted to the ground.

Lots of thoughts run through her mind till there were none.
LOUDER grew the footsteps, her eyes went shut waiting for the worst.

“WHO IS THERE”.  An unknown male voice said. Silence flooded her mind. Everywhere went silent and very dark like she was in another place.

She could not dare to open her eyes.

She felt her lower body was hot and wet.

Her clothes were wet and clinging to her body.

She could hear the flow of water.

… A pool..a hot spring..

She slowly opened her eyes. Her sight was clouded by smoke.

She could hardly see anything.

She noticed that she was in a hot spring and the water was too hot for her but it felt strange and refreshing.

The level of the water reached her slightly above the waist, allowing her clothes to stick to her almost matured curves.

The water was not too deep at least she could slightly step her feet on the ground level.

Feeling weak, this pool somehow gave energy.

Despite the hotness, she felt cool and relived.

She pinched herself if she was still dreaming, the pain was clear. She is so confused right now that she doesn’t know what to do next. Hoping for the best.
She raised her hands up to her eye level, she could see her hands not too clearly.
Looking around her surroundings, she couldn’t find anything; looks like a desolate place but not too anyways. She felt no one was here and was about to jump out.
    She heard a sudden rustle, like there is someone else in the pool.
How strange. She didn’t feel or see anyone in the pool. But now, the air is suffocating like the place just grew so small like she cant breathe.
She turned back to the direction of the sound but the she felt more uncomfortable. Even the water that felt reliving has made felt like her whole body was on fire.
Despite the discomfort and pain , she focused on seeing the other person and finding a way out here.
“Who is there?”. She said out loudly.
No response.

She bent a little trying to see the person behind the smoke.

Unable to bear with the pressing slight suffocation, she starts to feel dizzy. She steps back and holds the edge strongly with one hand.

“Is it my wild imagination, I should find a way out here.” She tries to get out of the pool but weakness in her legs overflood her.
“Rustle”. Another sound like movement in water reached her eyes.
She turned. She knew someone was there.

Out of curiosity, she walked in the water slowly.

Step by step, the air gets pressing, but she is determined.

Slowly, a figure appeared dressed in dim white clothes.

    Too dim to be white .She thought.

She could not see the person’s face. She gets closer to have a look.

She gets a little shocked.

This person is not wet at all.

Who is he?

His clothes aren’t white but light grey but the colour looked light.

He looked like he was in his middle late twenties.

His skin was as smooth and light like white jade.

He looked neat; his hair was packed in a beautiful hairstyle for men with a white gem like jade on a strange like silver hairpin. The design was too beautiful that the pattern stick to her mind . An unknown design.

Strangely, she couldn’t see his face clearly like it was blurred.

No matter she tried, his face seems to be covered with a faint smoke.

But his features like nose and mouth was seen but not clearly.

His face structure was smooth like it was polished.

“Hello”. Still no response.

He looked more like a lifelike statue.

Sitted in a budhha like position, she had no words to say, as she looked at the figure in wonder.

Anyways, he looked so handsome even though he looked so blurry.

His body was so well built, undescrible. Too beautiful. The sight amazed her. Unfortunately, statues don’t breathe.

Suddenly, she temporarily forgot about her pain and felt the urge to touch his face.

When she touched his face, it felt soft like a human .

Whoever who crafted this piece of art has won her heart.

  How handsome if the statue was alive.

She closed her eyes.

She held the face in her hands.

She lent forward out of curiosity and kissed the statue.

Slowly the cold statue gets warm, almost immediately she starts to break away from her kiss, she disappeared.

All that remained was the sound of the wind blowing and the statue in water…

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