Chapter 6:Prefecture Princess (2)

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On the busy streets of Bianjing where its hustle and bustle goes on with different kinds of people.
A decent carriage moves towards Qiantian Restaurant. A female servant sitting outside the carriage leans backwards for the person inside to hear what she is saying.
"Princess, we are approaching Qiantian Restaurant. Should we stop by, I heard there's a big auction today".
"Okay". A soft feminine voice came out of the curtains.
" We are stopping at Qiantian Restaurant". The female servant spoke to the driver of which the driver nodded in reply.

Finally,the carriage stopped in front of the restaurant. The female servant came down and said to the lady inside,
"Princess,I will go get everything ready". No response came. But the servant goes inside and comes out after a few minutes with a middle aged man behind her. Before walking towards the carriage, she stopped. Looking very frightened with beads of sweat on her forehead. She takes a deep breath and walks to the carriage.
"Pri... Prin... Princess".
Out of fear, the servant quickly knees down, shaking violently.
"Princess,this servant, A'Luo failed get a room for Princess". She paused and looked at the middle aged man standing next to her with his head down also shaking out of fear. She then continued,
"I swear,it wasn't my fault. They said all rooms include your room has been occupied. But, Princess, it's A'Luo's fault. I won't repeat my mistake again. I am ready to receive any punishment. Please forgive me". A'Luo said constantly increasing and decreasing the volume of her voice and bowing down hitting her head on the ground.
The middle aged man finally gather himself together and bowing to the carriage saying,
" Princess, I, the caretaker, am really sorry for this incident that has happened. We didn't know you were coming, if not we would have prepared everything before you came. But... the whole rooms are fully booked and occupied. Please forgive the house for our incompetence. We promise to give an explanation and compensation to you. Please accept our apologies".
There was no reply for a while. Then, the voice said,
" A'Luo, help me out of the carriage".
"Yes. Princess.".

A lady slowly walks out of the carriage with a fan in her hand, the servant help the unknown lady come down by holding her slender small hands. As she came down,her hands left the shaking hands of the servant.

Fair skin, small red lips with beautiful eyes and slanted eye brows.
The number one most beautiful young lady of Bianjing, Prefecture Princess Song Qiuyue. Beautiful like an autumn moon with an elegant character with a good figure. With her good skills in the all four arts. But she has these bad flaw that is being very proud and arrogant. She only appreciate people of her class. But one good thing about her is she is good at discovering talents.

Note: The four arts of the basic or noble Chinese scholarly knowledge are: They were the mastery of the qin (the guqin, a stringed instrument, 琴), qi (the strategy game of Go, 棋), shu (Chinese calligraphy, 書) and hua (Chinese painting, 畫), and are also referred to by listing all four: 琴棋書畫; qínqíshūhuà.

Song Qiuyue looks at the caretaker with a disgusting look for some seconds then to her maid.
"Prefecture Princess Song Qiuyue is so noble enough to punish you for such a small thing. Why are you making me look like am harsh or I mistreat you?". Her soft voice rang along the streets with her seductive creepy smile.
"A'Luo is wrong. I didn't meant that. Princess, please don't misunderstand me".
Still trying to exaggerate the matter,she continued,
"I brought you up and treat you well. Still you think I mistreat you". Her eyes began fill with tears. She takes an handkerchief and wipes her tears.
"Princess, A'Luo is wrong. I would never misunderstand you. You have helped me and my family a lot. Please forgive me". A'Luo kowtowed severally. This attracted attention from people on the streets. Hearing their benevolent Prefecture Princess speak, some feel sorry for the princess and were blaming the maid for her negligence.
"How can she ungrateful.... Humans can be unpredictable". Whispers from everyone in support of the princess. Sure enough,this increased their trust and loyalty in the Prefecture Princess.
The princess looked at the caretaker with half contempt and a fake hurt smile.
"For this embarrassment, I hope I deserve an apology and some compensation. I want to see Madam Chu".
"Huh...uh...m ... Yes". The caretaker nodded and went inside with the princess and her maid.
Before she went inside, she looked at the driver, giving him a signal.
Inside the restaurant, on the ground floor,seats were being arranged, servants were cleaning up preparing for something big and some customers were sitting , listening to good music and watching dance performances from the dancers while eating and drinking. There are a lot of cheers among the customers.
The caretaker went with the princess and the maid to the second floor, asking them to wait to call Madam Chu on the third floor.
Few minutes later, the caretaker came out with middle aged woman dressed exquisitely with a cheap fan in her hand
. The woman bowed to the princess, of which the princess gave no response.
"Greetings to Prefecture Princess". Seeing that the princess didn't response. She didn't mind because she understood how angry the princess might be.
She looked at the caretaker to ask for explanation.
"You fool,how did you offend the princess?"
"Madam Chu, actually the princess asked for a room but all the rooms are fully booked and occupied including her favorite rooms for the auction and I ...can't ask the guests to leave". The caretaker bowed his head in fear.
Madam Chu,in a dilemma didn't know what to say. Trying to look for the words, she puts up a smile.
" Per...fecture princess, I am very sorry what happened. It was our fault for keeping a room for you. Actually,it is our biggest auction today. So... But anyway, it's our honour of having you here. I will get your room. Please sit here". She leads the princess to a table and chair of which the princess sits. Bowing to the princess for excuse,she dashes to make preparations. Shouting at the top of her voice,
" Where's everyone. Clean the place up quickly".
Looking at the servant beside her .
" Who is in the princess favorite rooms?"
" It's two young unknown men and in the second room, it is Marquis Lu's son, Young Master Lu Zichen".
"Ask the two men to leave".
"Huh...?". The caretaker looked stunned.
"Are you deaf. Didn't you hear what I said?". Madam Chu yelled.
"Madam Chu, but... the two men looked... Don't you think..."
The caretaker stutters and Madam Chu cuts in,
"Are you trying to dictate things here. How dare you!". In anger, she kicks the middle aged man onto the floor and hit him with the fan in her hand. Signalling to two servants,
"You and you, take this filthy man out of here and teach him a good lesson. How dare him disobey my orders".
Two hefty men dragged the caretaker out of the room.
Madam Chu looks at two men and says,
"You and you, open this door and escort those two men out.
The two men walked towards the door and opened it. They saw two young men sitting and enjoying tea and the scenery.
The man in light green who looked more manly than the other turned to them while the other man in petite size seemed not to pay to anything.
"Young Masters, sorry for the disturbance, but you have to leave this room for it has booked".
"Booked?". The man in light green asked.
"Yes. We just realized we gave you a wrong room. We are very sorry for what happened. We surely compensate you on behalf of the house".

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