Chapter 12: Anger to a boiling point

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"How dare she?" Song Qiuyue roared slamming the table in front of her.
" Young Miss, please don't be angry"said her maid, A' Luo meekly.
The insult she received from An'rou really hit her. Even though The Young Master Lu saved her face, she couldn't still get over the incident. No one has ever spoken to her in that manner. When she got home,she kept throwing things around. With her room scattered and her furious face, someone sensible could guess what was going on.
   Finally,she calmed down a bit and said to A'Luo.
   "Have you sent them to follow those men?"
"Yes, Young Miss". A'Luo walked steadily and poured a cup of tea and hands it over to Song Qiuyue.
"Young Miss, have some tea". She said.
Song Qiuyue takes the cup and have a sip.
"Good. And you know what to do if they are done." Song Qiuyue gives a firm glare of which the maid understands".
"Yes . Young Miss". The maid answers with her head down".
"Good. No one dares to insult this seat". Song Qiuyue gave a weird smirk.

With a lot of courage, A'Luo asked a question.
"Erm, Young Miss. I wanted to ask what you are going to do about the Crown Princess selection. I mean how we are going to get the Crown Prince to like you and His Majesty to grant you a marriage without Second Young I meant Song Xueyi in the way. Because... because I heard Consort Yin is on her side. Young Miss, forgive me for my impudence and for speaking too much". A'Luo kneel, shaking in fear as Song Qiuyue give a fearful stare.
"I forgive you for your stupidity but you are wrong but at the same time right. That ugly girl Song Xueyi may have the King's favorite Consort Yin behind her because she is friends with her stupid late  mother. But I  not only have Father and Mother's support but the court and Empress support. What is bigger than that. Besides no one would want to marry a useless title- less Miss of Song family who is as good as dead. So don't you worry about it. I have my ways to make..." As she was about to finish,she hears an object break so loudly outside.
Song Qiuyue straightens up and looks at A'Luo with curiosity to check what was going on.
  A'Luo go and whispers into her ear saying something.
"Okay" . Song Qiuyue said with blazing eyes. She could feel her anger to a boiling point.
She stands up and takes a whip from it's hinge and walks outside moving out the courtyard with her mind running through with what she will do next.
It turns out that her precious gift from the Empress; A rare Jade vase was being dropped by her most hated person in the world.
She got out of her courtyard and she met a mess as she expected.
     A maid standing with her head bowed down as always, the broken pieces of the Jade vase with no signs of it's being repaired to its original form. Beside it was a frail girl of about fifteen to sixteen dressed in a pale blue dress that seem to be fading with an old coat draped over her shoulders and behind her was hee maid trying to help the frail girl up.

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