Chapter 17: To gain a little bit of her trust.

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An'rou stared at the cold big body on the ground. It was as if it was staring at her. The man's eyes were wide open.
She was not scared.

Not scared of killing a man that's tried to hurt her. There was no emotion in her heart or eyes. Not of hate or love. Just self defense...
She was not irritated by the metallic smell of blood nor by the thick liquid slowly spreading round the perimeter where she sat down.

She just sat still, looking up as the snow touches her face.

The sky was changing. Morning had slipped away.

Across the street, two unknown men dressed in noble but simple clothes with hats over their heads up sat there on the second floor of a restaurant watching silently.

" Sir, do you know her?". The first man said.

" Mm". The other answered.

"Sir, since you know her, why don't we help her?".

The other man chuckled.

" This person is difficult to help".

" Sir, I don't understand, please elaborate". The first man leaned closer.

   The other man brought a fan, fanned himself and closed the fan. He put his fan on the table and laughed.

"After all the hardships she has been through, she now has the heart of stone. She can't trust anyone ever. So if we must approach her, we must go to her with caution in order to gain a little of her trust. Youqin". He finally says the first man's name.

"Sir". Youqin answered.

" I know you are High God Zhe Yan's disciple, I want to ask a favour from you."

" Go on, sir".

" Take her as your disciple. Teach your skills of medicine".

" But sir, you said..."

The other man laughed again.

" Youqin.. Youqin, you take my words seriously. Although, I said she is difficult to tame, but only you can help her so she can stand on her two feet".

" Alright, I will teach her all what you want me to teach her because you saved my life before, but may I ask why medicine why not martial arts?"

" Because she can make a better weapon of it to defend herself in the future,as for the martial arts we can slowly teach her until she is ready to fully learn after all she is a celestial being".

"Immortal ! Just like you and Shifu( Master), but why..."

"Heaven's secrets are not be revealed".

Youqin kept silent.

" Mr Youqin, thank you". The unknown man flashed a smile.

Xiaorong , I have helped you secure your daughter's future. The bloodline will not be ended because of your carelessness. I have slowly fulfilled one of my heavenly missions.

The snow increased as time went on.

"Sir, may I ask why it's snowing in summer".

The unknown man smiled.

" It must be the mistake of some weather immortal interns and she got blamed for it".

"We, mortals have one of the evil minds in the world". Youqin shaked his head.

Youqin: "How long do we wait?"

Unknown man:" A little longer".

As time went by, afternoon slowly passing away, the streaks of evening were sticking out, the snow was slowly reducing.

The girl was still sitting there without moving holding her legs tight, the dead body beside her was also there.
The blood was thickened and absorbed by the snow.

Still looking at the snow, her hair, eyebrows and eyelashes were flaked with snow. Her lips and face were pale but still she had no expression on the face and it looked like she felt nothing even when waves of cold hit her face.

The sound of footsteps on the snow reached her ears. She didn't move an inch and was hoping to get some forever peaceful sleep. She bowed down a little.

Soon, two pairs of shoes appeared before her eyes.

She didn't sense any hostility or bad intent from them.

Still, she waited for an action from them but received none.

Then, she raised her head up and saw two figures before her.

By now, her sight was slowly getting blurry. Her five senses were slowly awakening. Pain everywhere. All her body ached terribly.

The two men were dressed nicely.
Simple but elegant.

One was dressed in green robes with a hat over his head with a fan in one hand and an umbrella in the other. She could sense the scent of fresh bamboo emanating from him. His personality looked carefree but behind his smile held some secrets and less simplicity.

While,the other was dressed less noble than him just similar to a scholar but the strong smell of herbs proved her wrong. With also a hat over his head and umbrella in his hand. He seems warm and simple; free of worries but held a simple expression less free spirited than the first one.

" Young girl, do you need any help?".

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