Babysitter || N.R = Fluff + Angst

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"I'll do it but I won't be happy." You sigh and give Natasha a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm sorry, I vow to never do this again. But I promised May I'd keep Peter safe while she's away on vacation." You explain and she groans, throwing her head back. You, who sat on top of her, giggled and kiss her neck. "She's my mum's best friend, Nat. I can't let her down, now can I~?" You look for her sweet spot and find it, biting down.

"Save it for tonight," Natasha says as she lets out a low moan, holding you by your shoulders, "You'll need all that tongue." She smirked and you gripped her face, pulling her in for another kiss.

You broke away and bobbed her nose, smiling as you get off her. You put on your jacket and try to flatten down the creases on your shirt.

"Love you, baby!" You say as you put on your shoes and open the door, about to leave. But Natasha's grip on you from behind made you stop in your tracks. "Don't do this babyyyy." You say as you bring her head up to your mouth, kissing her knuckles.

"I'm gonna miss you..." She whispers into your ear and you giggle.

"I'm going to check on Peter and you'll be on your super secret mission! I'm sure it'll keep you preoccupied." You say.

"Yeah.." You feel her release you and you kiss her on her hand once again.

"Til we meet again!" And like the wind, you were off, sprinting down the streets and to May's apartment. You knock on the door and a smile spreads across your face when Peter answers.

"Old lady!"

"Sweaty teen!" You hug him and throw arm around his head, patting his head as you do.

"(Y/n)!" May rushes into the living room as soon as you stepped into the house.

"Hello, Aunt May." You hug her and she kisses your cheek.

"How've you been?" She asks and you smile.

"All good! How's things here?" You asked as she handed you your favourite drink, you smiled happily at that.

"Oh, great. The car's gonna pick me up soon, I'm so excited I made new friends and we're gonna have fun." She says.

"I'm happy for you, May. And we," You point in between Peter and yourself, "Are gonna have a lot of fun." You winked at Peter who simply smiled back, plotting telepathically with you.

"Pillow fort." You both said at the same time. Your eyes widen as you and Peter get hyped up.

"Disney Princess movies." You say again and you cover your mouth as Peter drags a hand down his face.

"CAKE." You jump of the couch and squeal, Peter drops to his knees and cries.

"You both are so weird." May says and gets a message on her phone. "They're here, I gotta go." She says and a few minutes later, you stood outside with Peter, waving goodbye to May. She frantically waved back and blew kisses.

"Ha," You sigh, "She so deserves a break." You say. Peter agrees and there was a silence.

"Background checks?"


"Anything bad?"

"I did it at both S.H.I.E.L.D. and down at the station, nothing came up."

"Hmm." Peter thinks to himself and adds, "I always forget you're an officer." You chuckle and rough up his hair.

"Let's go build that fort." Peter grinned and raced up the stairs like a little kid. You laughed and shook your head, walking up as well.

It was 5 in the evening, you had to go home now but Peter kept stalling.

"Little man, what's up?" You asked, bag packed and shoes on but you sat on the carpet with Peter who was in pajamas.

"What's up?" He repeated and you nodded.

"I'm your bestie, tell me if something's wrong." You smile wholeheartedly at the younger boy and he lets his guard down.

"I'm terrified." He admits. "Of what's going to happen when I don't make it home one day." You swallow hard. "Who will protect my aunt? And don't get me wrong, I have complete faith in you and the Avengers," He let out a dry laugh, "But I'm so scared. And if I'm alone, I know I'm going to do something I'll regret and I don't want to do that because I want to come home everyday and see Aunt May and I wanna video call MJ and have the most awkward conversations and I wanna have the time of my life with you." You pull the boy into a hug.

"Peter.." You say as he tries to hold in his tears, head on your shoulder. "Kid, you are not alone. I know how this feels, trust me, but I know one thing and that is you will never be alone, Peter." You comfort him. "And you bet your ass I'm gonna be here. You'll want me to go away when I'm done with you." You felt him cry as he held you and you couldn't help but tear up either

He is such a young boy. He does not deserve to be put in such positions.

You pat his head as a way to calm him, hearing his small sobs turn into quiet breaths. He was sleeping. You pick him up and put him in his bed, covering his form. You sigh and lean against the doorframe, looking at his tearstained face.

What has this child done to deserve this? He had to grow up so quickly, all for the sake of people who don't even care about his well-being.

You grit your teeth and leave his room. As soon as you do, you head a knock on the window.

Curiously but cautiously, you walk over and move the curtains only to see Natasha's grinning face as she lifts up a brown bag.

"I thought you'd be hungry!" She shouts and you put your finger over your lips that had a big smile on them. You let her in and she kisses your cheek. "Brought some for the kid, too." She said and you smiled.

"Thank you.." You watch as she put the bag on the table.

"So, where's he at?" She asked, looking around.

"Napping." You say simply.

"Hm," She looks around the house, "He really is a baby." Natasha says and you hum in response, opening up the bag.

"Oh, nice choices." You compliment and she hugs you from behind, watching as you investigate the bag more.

"So, how's your job so far?" Natasha asked and you let out a little laugh.

"I honestly do feel like a babysitter. But I care about this kid so much, Nat." You turn around and put your arms around her neck. "I want to protect him. From everything." You sigh when Natasha smiles at you, kissing your nose.

"How about we talk about something I never thought I would be talking about." You raise a brow. Let's get a kid, (y/n)." Your eyes widen.

"A kid?" She nods.

"You would make a great mum, I know you would." She says and you didn't need much convincing.

"Can we adopt Peter?" Natasha chuckles and sighs.

"If you want, my love." She kisses your forehead once more. "Whatever you want, I'll be there for it."

Fluff after so damn long. Not proofread!

Scarlett Johansson/Natasha Romanoff ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora