Temptations & The Bed || N.R = Little To No Smut

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Thank you for so many votes and read guys, you are the best so I'm making the first update in a longggg ass time. Hope you enjoy! And mind the spelling errors. I'm on SoundCloud listening to NSFW stuff so

3rd Person View:

Your ears turned red as Wanda gives you yet another compliment. You weren't one to flirt, but technically, she was doing all the flirting and you were just sitting in your corner where it was quiet, in your seat like you always did in a party, taking a few drinks every once in a while.

She laughed and shook her head, "You're too cute when you're blushing, (Y/n)." You laughed nervously as well, her hand subtly landing on your knee. Your eyes dart from the floor to her and where her hand was currently.

You said nothing at first, you thought it was Wanda just being overly friendly, which was odd for her. She rarely had good relations with anyone.

But when she decided to place her hand further up, you sighed and looked at her.

"Fairy Wand," You warn in a dangerous tone. She just looked up through her eyelids, seductively, and continued this, "Wanda." You called. "Behave yourself, my girlfriend is around." You say and Wanda smirks.

"I don't think she'd mind me borrowing you for a day." You laughed, a full laugh this time.

"I think she would." You say and Wanda didn't pay heed to your words, her hand caressing your cheek.

"Before I die, I'm trying to fuck you, baby. Hopefully we don't have no babies." She says and you try to hold in your laughter and she laughs openly. "I don't even wanna go back home. Hopefully, you don't leave on your own.." She inches closer and closer till she kisses your lips.

But you don't kiss back, of course.

She pulls back with a confused face and you had no expression except sadness. She knows you'll never cheat but still, you felt bad for hurting her feelings.

"Sorry, Fairy Wand." You bite your bottom lip. She sniffles and smiles, tears brimming in her eyes.

"No, no, you don't have to be sorry. I feel super bad for trying to make you cheat on Natasha. I'm a terrible person." She says and you shake your head.

"No, you're not. You'll find someone out there, maybe not me, but there are tons of simps out there. Like for real." You try to cheer her up and she laughs. "It doesn't have to be me." You say and she pulls you forward for a giant hug. You're shocked at first, but smile and give her a headpat in return. She lingers longer as you try to pull away so you let her hold you until she eventually let's go.

"You know, (Y/n)," She called and you hummed in response, "I hate that you're perfect." She sang, making you confused. "Perfect for me.." She smiled, got up and left quiet corner. You watched her walk away with pure confusion.

"..Did that bish just sing the love song of that movie Trolls?"

Nat's/3rd Person View:

"Don't go overboard with the drinks, Steve." Natasha said, sitting at the bar and watching Steve act crazy. And by crazy, I mean like kissing all the woman.

Like he doesn't do that anyway, his virginity might not be gone but his lipginity definitely is.

[ Lipginity means that ur lips are still a virgin. If you lost your lipginity, you have had your first kiss. ]

She sighed and shook her head, taking a sip of her drink.

"I would watch your girllll, Nattttt-" Steve slurred like the chicken he is.

[ No offense to chickens, I love em! ]

Natasha rose a brow, looked over her shoulder to where Steve had been pointing and narrowed her eyes. Wanda was touching you in ways only she could and Nat was not happy about that. She had her resting face on and Steve wheezed, laughing so hard.

"Oooo, someone's getting fucked tonight~!" Steve chanted and Tony slapped him upside the head.

"Shut up, Capsical-" Tony said but got cut off when Steve put a finger on his lips. "Get your fat finger off of my lips." He said and Steve giggled.

"I need a vacation." Natasha said, walking over to you and Wanda angrily with a drink in her hand. But she stopped when Wanda's lips reached yours. You didn't kiss back but she was mad as fuck right now. Who was Wanda to think that she could take you away from her? You were Natasha's girlfriend. You are Natasha Romanoff's love and future wife. Not Wanda's.

Her eye twitched and the glass she held broke due to her angry grip.

Wanda pulled away and looked sad as you just looked awkward and confused asf. You spoke but Nat couldn't hear much. She was mad but she wanted to see what you would do in this situation. So it took every once of her will to not bitch slap tf out of Wanda. Wanda hugged you and left.

3rd Person View:

You shook your head. Wanda is crazy but bish that was insane. She put you in that situation-

"Hey, baby." You gasped and looked at the person who had basically pinned you against the wall while you were sitting. Her hand was on the wall behind you and you were almost dead from shock.

"H-h-hey-y-y, baby." You greet back, looking up at Nat with a smile. "What's up?" You ask. Nat smirked and inched closer to your face.

"I saw what you did back there." She says, serious but dangerously sexy.

"W-what? You mean Wanda?" You asked, laughing nervously. "She kissed me. I didn't kiss back." You say. Wow, throwing Wanda straight under the bus like that. Nat tilted her head.

"Oh, I know." Natasha leaned down to whisper in your ear, "I just want you to know you're mine." She said, slipping her hand into yours, pulling you to your feet and into the elevator. You looked for help but Steve was just tryna annoy Tony so no help from there. The doors closed and Natasha pulled you into a kiss, pinning you against the wall of the elevator.

She didn't even care that there was another person in there, she just pinned you and you kissed back.

"I don't get paid enough for this.." You opened your eyes and looked at the girl to the right, cleaning the buttons. Natasha brought your focus back to her when she put a hand on your throat.

"Not right now, Nat." You held her wrists, gasping between kisses.

"Come on." The elevator stopped and you smiled awkwardly to the girl.

"Don't worry, I see worse things, u work for Mr. Stark." She said, lifting up a juice box and you chuckle, almost forgetting about Nat. Almost.

She opened the door to your shared room.

"Nat, don't do anything craz-" She stopped you by picking you up bridal style and threw you on the bed.

"Get on the bed-" She said and well...


Vote for part 2 😉

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