"Well, even deader than before," Robin groaned. "The other Draculas came to visit family not be questioned for eternity about Pennsylvania."

"Well, sort of," Alice said as she looked at her brother. " Mr. Count told me all about his brother's family while at my last lesson over there. It's Vlad's cousin Boris...same age as Ingrid."

"What about him?" Robin asked.

"Boris's transformation is happening in a few days," Alice said. 

"Wicked!" Robin lit up. 


The next day, Alice and Robin went back up to the castle, to meet more of Vlad's family. Robin was listening to music through his headphones while Alice pulled on the doorbell. Seconds later, Ingrid opened the door.

"I've come to ask about the States," Alice said.

"He's so much lamer than Dad advertised," Ingrid groaned as she let Alice in. "The Yanks are together are disappointing."

"Hi, Ingrid, did your cousins--" Robin began, he stared as Ingrid stared at him. She was focused on the sound coming from his ears. Robin puckered up for a kiss, Ingrid in annoyance ripped the buds of his ears, then marched back inside, slamming the door shut. 

Alice walked into the castle to find the Count on his throne in annoyance and another man talking. The girls walked over.

"I thought I said I don't do peasant anymore," the man said as he looked at The Count.

"You did," The Count confirmed in annoyance. "What are you doing here Alice?"

"I want to ask Mr. Ivan about Pennsylvania," Alice answered as she held up flashcards. "For extra credit at school."

"I'd rather have you sit on Ivan's last few lessons with Boris before his transformation," The Count said. "If that's alright with my brother."

"Fine by me, bro," Ivan said as he got to his feet. "Come with me, Alice." Ivan began to lead Alice. "And it's Harvey now."

"So, Mr. Harvey," Alice began. "Since Mr. Count is out of hearing...Pennsylvania?"

"A gorgeous state," Harvey answered, he looked back to see Alice writing his answer down on a card. "Also known as the Keystone state, capital is Harrisburg, the state flower is mountain laurel."

"Why Pennsylvania compared to all the others...I know Alaska has periods of being sunny all the time, and then dark all the time," Alice began. 

"Pennsylvania can be a very rainy state," Ivan answered. "So if I wanted to go out in the day, I could as long as it was cloudy."

"It's cloudy here a lot as well," Alice noted, she looked up to find Ivan gone. She opened the door to the studies to find, Harvey, Zoltan, Vlad, and someone else; a bit geeky looking.

"Apologies Master!" Zoltan said in a scared panic. "Please don't rip out my intestines and throw them to the rats!"

"Why would I do that?" Harvey asked.

"You used to!" Zoltan cried. 

Harvey chuckled. "Old days, old ways, my friend."

"G-g-g-girl," the other boy stuttered, Vlad back to see Alice walking in.

"Alice!" Vlad lit up as he got to his feet. "What are you---did dad--?"

"Pennsylvania," Alice answered; putting the note cards down in his hands. "So this is Boris." Boris didn't seem to want to look her in the eye.

"He's shy," Harvey informed. "Apologies."

Alice walked up to Zoltan. "Nothing to apologize for."

"He is a vampire, Alice," Zoltan reminded her. "Vampires to be shy..."

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