Harry spoke "you realize she was an innocent baby. an innocent child. who had not a god damn part in what happened to you. You chose to have her. you chose to belittle her. you chose to break her down every step of the way."

My mother snapped "if it was my choice I would have aborted her. It's not my fault my parents forced me to keep her."

"Did they put a fucking gun to your head? Did they force you to abuse her mentally and emotionally? Alexis should be a evil spawn from not only how she was brought into this world. but how she was raised." I squeezed Harry's arm trying to get him to calm down. He took a breath and continued "she isn't. she's sweet, she's kind, she cares about everyone. But do you know the one person she doesn't care about? .. herself. Because you brought her up believing she doesn't deserve love.."

The front door opened in walked my step dad. He looks at me "Alexis? Then looks at Harry and freezes

Harry tensed up I put my hand over his. "Bill this is my boyfriend Harry. Harry this is bill." Harry grips my hand.

I mumbled "it's okay."

Bill said "what are you doing here? I thought you started a whole new life?"

"I'm just here to talk to mom."

My mom spoke "talk.. more like belittling me for how I raised you."

I said "you barley raised me."

Bill raised his voice "hey don't speak to your mother that way!"

Harrys Voice spoke loud and sternly "do not raise your voice at Alexis." Now standing in front of me.

There was a moment of silence.

I was nervous things were going to escalate. "Harry can we go..?"

Before Harry could answer Bill spoke "wait let me talk to your mother before you go I feel like we are all a bit on edge."

Harry was about to speak but I spoke first "ok"

Bill walked away with my mom and Harry turned to me. "I didn't mean to snap I just don't like a man talking to you like that."

"I know" I nodded

"We don't have to stay we can just leave." he offered

"No I want to know what he has to say."

They walked back out.

My mom asking to speak with me privately. Harry grabbed my arm but I mumbled it's okay. He's eyes were practically begging me but I went anyways.

I walked into the kitchen nervously leaving Harry with Bill.

My mom stood by the counter stirring her coffee a sight that I've witnessed countless of times. And just like that I felt like I was a kid sitting in silence the only noise coming from her spoon tapping her cup.

"Alexis" she spoke breaking me out of my thoughts.

Her voice it was different. The way she just said my name was different.

"Yes" I answered.

"I'm sorry."

I froze completely


"I'm sorry the way I treated you. I know a stupid word means nothing compared to how you felt."

I look at her still confused

"Can we start over? Maybe you not being here will help me not feel so take off by you.."

I was still shocked

She continued speaking "I know you probably need time to think so I'll give you sometime. You know the phone number and where I am I'll be here."

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