chapter 29

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san wipes away his tears and tries to calm himself down, he leaves wooyoungs phone on the charger and heads to the bathroom to wash his face

"san!" yunho called as he saw san coming back downstairs, "come on we're about to cut the cake! it's your favorite flavor too,"

"coming," san said from across the room,

the party was fun and thankfully nothing really happened, jongho cut his cake and opened his presents, the funniest part was when jongho opened yeosang's gift and found a ball that looked like it went through hell with a note attached to it saying 'our love is just as straight as this ball', everyone burst out laughing

everyone stayed at jongho's for a sleepover, but san excused himself and told them that he had an appointment really early in the morning so he should get back to the dorms, they all understood and wished san a safe drive back.

in actuality, san just wanted to go back to look up the han family

something was definitely wrong about them, how come he has never heard of them, yet they have gotten away with so much?

san wanted to uncover everything. he wanted to bring whatever they were doing to an end. he wanted wooyoung back.

after a while san had finally gotten back and went up to his room, he got changed into some pj's and threw on a jacket on top and got his glasses, laptop, and notebook.

san was determined to figure out everything he could, of course he knows about their daughter and what happened with her and wooyoung, but it doesn't make sense why they have never even been questioned for anything.

was wooyoung their first victim?

san shook his head to stop thinking about the possibilities and focus on the facts, he turned on his laptop and started his search.

it was now around 3 am and he hadn't found a lot other than the basic information about their daughter, san was frustrated, 'why the fuck isn't there anything about them!' san hit the table with his fist before putting his hands through his hair and took some deep breaths

'calm down san, something is bound to show up,' he assured himself and picked up his phone to text a close friend who works at the police station

3:26 am

sorry i'm texting you
kinda late...

i have a favor to ask

da chung-ae
hey sannie!
long time no talk ^^
yeah sure! go ahead

yeah so i'm just wondering
if you could search up
some people from your

i know this might be a
big favor but i really need
your help here...

da chang-ae
well sure it's a big request
but you've always helped me
no matter what

so searching up a couple
people for you is the least
i could do

thank you so much!
you have no idea how
much this means to me!

da chang-ae
don't mention it!
who is it you want me
to search up for you

yeah so their names
are mr. and mrs. han
i don't know their
first names
but a while ago their
daughter, han yujin,
committed suicide

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