chapter 14

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it has been 5 days since that incident in the bathroom. it has been 5 days since san last talked to wooyoung.

today wooyoung had gotten up early and brought san some food, after he knocked on the door to sans dorm, hongjoong answered saying that san was asleep so wooyoung handed hongjoong his food and left.

hongjoong took the food, thanked wooyoung, closed the door, and turned around, to a very much awake, san.

"why are you avoiding him? i thought you guys were like hitting it off, did something happen between you two?" hongjoong asked as he gave san the food

san just looked at the food as he sat on the bed, back against the wall, as he hugged his legs, with no response other than a nod.

"san," hongjoong said as he took a seat beside san, placing a hand on his back, "i can clearly tell you love wooyoung," before hongjoong could continue, san interrupted.

"no- no i don't! i don't love him! i-i... i hate him!" san said

hongjoong looked shocked for a bit by the boy's reaction, but he could clearly tell that something was going on with san. hongjoong patted his shoulder one more time before leaving, "i really hope you end up solving whatever is going on between you two," and he left.

leaving san alone with his thoughts.

hongjoong went over to seonghwa's dorm and as he was about to open the door, the door opened revealing wooyoung who was about to leave, "wooyoung! hi i actually wanted to ask you something if that's alright with you," hongjoong said earning a 'go ahead' from wooyoung.

"um so what's going on between you and...san?" hongjoong asked hesitantly in case it was a sensitive subject to him since he seemed fond of san as well.

and it was, hongjoong could see the sadness in his eyes that wooyoung tried to cover with anger, "i don't know he's the one who started avoiding me," said wooyoung bluntly as he left not leaving time for hongjoong to ask him any more questions.

hongjoong looked at wooyoung for a second before going into the dorm, he looked around for seonghwa to tell him about the situation.

"seonghwa? babe?" hongjoong called out not seeing him anywhere close by,

"yes!" seonghwa replied from the bathroom.

"oh okay let's talk a bit after you get out," hongjoong said as he went to sit on the couch and scroll through his phone.

when seonghwa finally got out he gave hongjoong a kiss on the head before asking, "so what's it you wanna talk about?"

"wooyoung and san," hongjoong said, tossing his phone to the side, "have you noticed anything wrong with wooyoung?" he asked

"i mean not- wait actually!" seonghwa said as he remembered the series of events that occurred 2 nights ago, "it was 8 pm i think and i guess wooyoung thought i was at your dorm so he barged in and he looked kinda sad or upset... i don't know, he was crying but screaming as well... i don't know if that has anything to do with it tho. how about san?"

"well he's been avoiding wooyoung for 5 days, he hadn't even slept well enough yet! i'm seriously concerned, i tried asking him! i told him that i know that he loves wooyoung but he started saying things like, 'no! i hate him, i don't love him which is so not true! i really don't want anything to happen to s-san," hongjoong started spiraling remembering what happened to san when people started talking about how his sister was gay and kept making spreading rumors about him and leaving him so much hate. hongjoong found san in the bathroom with countless cuts on his arm, he was rushed to the hospital where he stayed there for 2 weeks since he had lost too much blood. he was lucky to even be alive.

hongjoong eyes started to fill up with tears as he remembered seeing san on a hospital bed, hongjoong hadn't been able to sleep for a month after that.

seonghwa noticed the tears forming and quickly hugged hongjoong and patted his head, reassuring him, "don't worry joong, i'll take care of this alright? don't think about that i promise i won't let it happen," he comforted

seonghwa was someone san really trusted and loved, seonghwa gave him the love and affection of a parent, he felt safe around him.

seonghwa was the only one who knew how his parents reacted to his sister coming out, so he expected this.

seonghwa left after hongjoong had calmed down and told him to take a nap on his bed, and so he did.

seonghwa left for sans dorm, knocking on the door before going in. "sannie?" seonghwa whispered in case san was asleep, but he wasn't in the room.

without a second thought seonghwa rushed to the bathroom, which was thankfully unlocked, and just as he expected, san was sitting on the floor already 2 cuts in

seonghwa grabbed the blade and threw it away, "san! please please don't do this again joong was crying! he doesn't want to see you in a hospital bed, and i'm beyond sure wooyoung wouldn't either!" seonghwa said and tear rushed uncontrollably

san looked at seonghwa with so much pain and misery in his eyes, "hyung, what do i do?" san's voice sounded broken, sounded hurt, sounded like it was in pain.

seonghwa hugged san before reassuring him, "it's okay, it's okay alright? don't worry we're gonna get through this, okay?"

san pushed away from seonghwa grip and started freaking out, "how! how are we- how am i gonna fix this! i don't know what to do! everything was fine why did i ruin everything! i'm an idiot! i'm an idiot!" san repeated while hitting his head repeatedly with his hands.

seonghwa grabbed his hands and yelled to get san out of his thoughts, "san!"

"san, you're scared. you're in love with wooyoung, you are so hopelessly in love with him that it hurts! you're scared. but you know that you love wooyoung, you don't wanna admit it cause if you do your relationship with your parents will be over. if you really didn't care about wooyoung, if you hated wooyoung, would you be here? on the bathroom floor? in so much pain? with your arms bleeding? answer me honestly, do you really hate wooyoung?"

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